HC: Land Division (Uganda)

The Land Division is a Division created at the High Court Head office at Kampala.

The Division is charged with the following functions:Responsibility of supervising the work of Land Tribunals, the adjudication of all land related dispute fall under this Division. The land Division is established with three judges with a separate registry for the Division .There is a Registrar for the Land Division who doubles as the Registrar of the Land Tribunals. A desk office was also established under the office of the Registrar to handle the activities of the District Land Tribunals.


Physical address
Twed Towers, along Kafu Road, Nakasero, Kampala.

HC: Land Division (Uganda)

1,920 documents
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Babisa Sentumu v Commissioner Land Registration (Miscellaneous Application No. 118 of 2021) [2021] UGHCLD 214 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
Babu Ismail and 11 Others v Kiswa Mutenda (Civil Suit No. 104 of 2019) [2022] UGHCLD 30 (21 February 2022) 21 February 2022
Bagenda and Another v Ssenyonga (Civil Suit 755 of 2016) [2023] UGHCLD 284 (13 September 2023) 13 September 2023
Bagobedde Vs Kabaseka & 2 Ors (Misc. Application No. 0450 of 2019) [2019] UGHCLD 54 (30 August 2019) 30 August 2019
Bagula & Ors v Lubega (Civil Appeal No. 31 of 2008) [2011] UGHCLD 1 (27 June 2011) 27 June 2011
Baguma v Nilita (Miscellaneous Application No. 799 of 2022) [2022] UGHCLD 133 (2 August 2022) 2 August 2022
Bahirirwe v Tukore and 2 Others (Land Civil Suit No. 32 of 2018) [2022] UGHCLD 38 (9 March 2022) 9 March 2022
Bakanansa and 2 Others v Nsubuga and 5 Others (Civil Suit No. 27 of 2019) [2023] UGHCLD 109 (24 April 2023) 24 April 2023
Bakileta and 3 Others v Kwizera and 2 Others (Civil Appeal No. 104 of 2018) [2021] UGHCLD 183 (15 December 2021) 15 December 2021
Bakiriza v Batenda (Miscellaneous Application 904 of 2024) [2024] UGHCLD 134 (20 May 2024) 20 May 2024
Bakiriza v Batenda (Revision Cause 25 of 2023) [2024] UGHCLD 135 (18 May 2024) 18 May 2024
Bakunda and 3 Others v Mutumba and Others (Miscellaneous Application 115 of 2024) [2024] UGHCLD 60 (4 March 2024) 4 March 2024
Balaba and 6 Others v Mawejje ( as administrator of the late Sulaiman mawejje) and Another (H.C.Miscellaneous Application No. 7 of 2021) [2021] UGHCLD 113 (19 August 2021) 19 August 2021
Balaba & Ors Vs Kagaba & Ors (Civil Suit No. 1417 of 1999) [2015] UGHCLD 25 (20 August 2015) 20 August 2015
Baligasiima v Kiiza & Ors (Miisc Application No. 1495 of 2016) [2019] UGHCLD 17 (23 January 2019) 23 January 2019
Balikuddembe and Another v Aurum Roses Limited and 5 Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 1795 of 2021) [2022] UGHCLD 98 (1 April 2022) 1 April 2022
Balikudembe & Ors v Jjagwe (Misc. Applic. No. 976 of 2012) [2013] UGHCLD 58 (12 June 2013) 12 June 2013
Balkudembe v Dr. Mayanja (Miscellaneous Application No. 205 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 102 (13 April 2023) 13 April 2023
Baluku and 2 Others v Amara (Civil Appeal No. 15 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 111 (21 March 2023) 21 March 2023
Baluku & Anor v Bwambale (HCT – 01 – CV – CA – 049 OF 2016) [2017] UGHCLD 229 (28 September 2017) 28 September 2017
Baluku & Anor v Mukanirwa & 10 Ors (Civil Suit No. Hct-01-cv-ca-025 of 2016) [2017] UGHCLD 95 (14 December 2017) 14 December 2017
Baluku v Muhindo (HCT – 01 – LD – CA – 0015 0F 2014) [2016] UGHCLD 46 (9 December 2016) 9 December 2016
Bamuleseyo v Ariisa (Civil Appeal No. 071 of 2016) [2019] UGHCLD 65 (18 December 2019) 18 December 2019
Bamweyana and 2 Others v Ssimbwa and Another (Miscellaneous Application No. 2031 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 27 (7 February 2023) 7 February 2023
Bamweyana and 2 Others v Ssimbwa and Another (Miscellaneous Application No. 2108 of 2022) [2022] UGHCLD 237 (14 December 2022) 14 December 2022
Bananura Kaliisa and Another v ABSA Bank (U) Limited and 3 Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 1874 of 2020) [2022] UGHCLD 9 (28 January 2022) 28 January 2022
Bank of Africa Uganda Limited v Sitakange Herbert and 2 Others (HC Miscellaneous Application No. 119 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 56 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Barehenda v Tumuzeire (Civil Miscellaneous Application No.083 of 2017) [2018] UGHCLD 25 (6 April 2018) 6 April 2018
Barigye v Kiiza Omamteker (Miscellaneous Application 2075 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 414 (15 December 2023) 15 December 2023
Baruga alias Baruga Ali v Nassozi (Civil Suits No.446 of 2011) [2020] UGHCLD 17 (29 September 2020) 29 September 2020
Barugahare v Kenyi & Anor (HCT-01-CS-CA-067 OF 2016) [2017] UGHCLD 238 (31 October 2017) 31 October 2017
Barungi and Another v Kawesa and Another (Miscellaneous Application 220 of 2024) [2024] UGHCLD 155 (23 May 2024) 23 May 2024
Barungi v Kasozi (Miscellaneous Application 2946 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 388 (31 October 2023) 31 October 2023
Basajjabalaba v Bank of Uganda & Anor (Miscellaneous Application No. 738 of 2011) [2013] UGHCLD 81 (12 November 2013) 12 November 2013
Bashaija and 12 Others v Registered Trustees of the Catholic Diocese of Fortportal (Civil Miscellaneous Application 19 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 273 (31 August 2023) 31 August 2023
Bashigare v Akankwasa and 8 Others (Civil Appeal 47 of 2010) [2015] UGHCLD 1 (5 October 2015) 5 October 2015
Batambuze v Bukenya (Miscellaneous Application 1319 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 252 (23 August 2023) 23 August 2023
Bataringaya and Another v Kato and Another (Civil Appeal No. 50 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 62 (14 March 2023) 14 March 2023
Bataringaya v Attorney General (Civil Suit No. 250 of 2011) [2015] UGHCLD 57 (25 August 2015) 25 August 2015
Bateesa aka lameck senfuma bateesa and Another v Zinga (Administrator of the estate of late Zzinga ) and Another (Misc Cause No. 53 of 2021) [2022] UGHCLD 31 (14 March 2022) 14 March 2022
Battaka v Uganda Investment Authority & Anor (Civil Suit No: 38 of 2011) [2018] UGHCLD 46 (29 May 2018) 29 May 2018
Batulumayo v Angurya (HCT-04-CV-CA-0016/1999) [2005] UGHCLD 1 (1 June 2005) 1 June 2005
Baturumayo v Muhingwa and Anor (Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2016) [2022] UGHCLD 64 (22 April 2022) 22 April 2022
Batwawula v Kaddu & 2 Ors (Misc Application No. 0474 of 2016) [2017] UGHCLD 259 (6 November 2017) 6 November 2017
Bazira & Anor Nakiwala (Review Cause No. 849 of 2012) [2014] UGHCLD 102 (30 April 2014) 30 April 2014
Bazira v Kagimu (Misc. Application No. 1138 of 2016) [2018] UGHCLD 52 (1 June 2018) 1 June 2018
Bbaale Samuel Wakulira V Cairo International Bank Limited & 2 Others (Civil Suit No. 149 of 2013) [2019] UGHCLD 42 (10 July 2019) 10 July 2019
Bbaale Wakulira Vs Cairo International Bank Limited & 2 Ors (Civil Suit No.149 of 2013) [2019] UGHCLD 33 (10 July 2019) 10 July 2019
Bbale & Another v Peri-Urban Agro Enterprises & 2 Others (Civil Suit 3130 of 2016) [2024] UGHCLD 172 (27 June 2024) 27 June 2024
Bekabye & 3 Ors Vs Musoke & 2 Ors (Misc. Application No. 453 of 2019) [2019] UGHCLD 34 (9 July 2019) 9 July 2019