HC: Land Division (Uganda)

The Land Division is a Division created at the High Court Head office at Kampala.

The Division is charged with the following functions:Responsibility of supervising the work of Land Tribunals, the adjudication of all land related dispute fall under this Division. The land Division is established with three judges with a separate registry for the Division .There is a Registrar for the Land Division who doubles as the Registrar of the Land Tribunals. A desk office was also established under the office of the Registrar to handle the activities of the District Land Tribunals.


Physical address
Twed Towers, along Kafu Road, Nakasero, Kampala.

HC: Land Division (Uganda) - 2023 February

36 documents
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February 2023
Acungwire v Mumtaz Kassam and Others (Civil Suit No. 339 of 2019) [2023] UGHCLD 41 (28 February 2023) 28 February 2023
Kiwalabye v Senjobe (Civil Appeal 17 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 245 (28 February 2023) 28 February 2023
Zaali and Another v Uganda National Roads Authority and Another (HCT-01-CV-CA-LD 13 of 2019) [2023] UGHCLD 173 (28 February 2023) 28 February 2023
Isingoma (administrator of the estate of late manyindo nkoba) v Registered Trustees of the church of Uganda and Another (HCT-01-CV-CS 35 of 2017) [2023] UGHCLD 50 (27 February 2023) 27 February 2023
Kisuule and Another v Nantaaya and Another (Civil Suit No. 1107 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 46 (27 February 2023) 27 February 2023
Naigaga v Namusoke and 10 Others (Civil Appeal 51 of 2015) [2023] UGHCLD 285 (27 February 2023) 27 February 2023
Nakibinge and 2 Others v Arise and Shine International Outreach Ministries Limited (Miscellaneous Application No. 906 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 45 (27 February 2023) 27 February 2023
Namutete v Ndiwalana (Misc Cause No. 10 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 43 (27 February 2023) 27 February 2023
Kaloli v Nasaka and 4 Others (Civil Suit No. 1077 of 2020) [2023] UGHCLD 39 (24 February 2023) 24 February 2023
Mugwiri and Another v Kyanamira (HC Miscellaneous Application 177 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 149 (21 February 2023) 21 February 2023
Mrs Kayanja and Others v Kiggundu (Civil Appeal No. 39 of 2018) [2023] UGHCLD 36 (20 February 2023) 20 February 2023
Kasoya and Another v Kaija and 3 Others (Civil Suit No. 6 of 2015) [2023] UGHCLD 49 (17 February 2023) 17 February 2023
Uganda Land Commission v Mahmud Bharwani and Another (Miscellaneous Application 1420 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 171 (17 February 2023) 17 February 2023
Okwana v Oonyu (Miscellaneous Application 116 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 226 (15 February 2023) 15 February 2023
Sengendo v Kibumbwa and Others (Civil Suit No. 213 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 34 (15 February 2023) 15 February 2023
Abalema United Effort Limited v Uganda Land Commission (Misc Cause No. 122 of 2021) [2023] UGHCLD 33 (14 February 2023) 14 February 2023
Ladha Kassam and Company Limited and Others v Nalongo and 2 Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 1727 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 98 (14 February 2023) 14 February 2023
Mujwala and Another ( Administrators of the Estate of the late Yoweri Nakuboola) v Commissioner Land Registration (Miscellaneous Application No. 1979 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 35 (14 February 2023) 14 February 2023
Turyakira v Kirya and 4 Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 1642 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 32 (14 February 2023) 14 February 2023
Mawejje ( Administrator of the estate of the late of suliaman mawejje) v Mawejje Nantongo (Misc Cause No. 19 of 2020) [2023] UGHCLD 21 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Mayanja and 7 Others v Wantante and 5 Others (Civil Suit No. 497 of 2018) [2023] UGHCLD 30 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Nafula and Another v Semugengyi and Another (Misc Cause No. 19 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 23 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Nanfuka v Nyakerah and Another (Miscellaneous Application No. 552 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 25 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Talugende v Akright Projects Limited and 2 Others (Civil Suit No. 2789 of 2016) [2023] UGHCLD 24 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Tibulya J.v Kusasira and Another (Miscellaneous Application No. 35 of 2023) [2023] UGHCLD 20 (10 February 2023) 10 February 2023
Mawanda and 2 Others v Nanyonga (Civil Suit No. 127 of 2018) [2023] UGHCLD 22 (9 February 2023) 9 February 2023
Najjemba and Another v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Application 1858 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 351 (9 February 2023) 9 February 2023
Najjembe and Another v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Application No. 1858 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 96 (9 February 2023) 9 February 2023
Bukenya v Muwanga & Another (Civil Suit 714 of 2018) [2023] UGHCLD 438 (8 February 2023) 8 February 2023
Bukusike v Namugabwe (Civil Appeal 139 of 2016) [2023] UGHCLD 291 (8 February 2023) 8 February 2023
Bamweyana and 2 Others v Ssimbwa and Another (Miscellaneous Application No. 2031 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 27 (7 February 2023) 7 February 2023
Ayebale v Namanda and Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 1780 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 18 (6 February 2023) 6 February 2023
Namanda v Tungakwo and Others (Miscellaneous Appeal No. 36 of 2020) [2023] UGHCLD 19 (6 February 2023) 6 February 2023
Ssebi v Mutebi and 7 Others (Miscellaneous Application No. 448 of 2022) [2023] UGHCLD 26 (6 February 2023) 6 February 2023
Mayanja and 7 Others v Wantante and 5 Others (Land Civil Suit No. 497 of 2018) [2023] UGHCLD 29 (2 February 2023) 2 February 2023
Nyakairu v Nyakairu abd Another (Civil Suit No. 72 of 2006) [2023] UGHCLD 92 (2 February 2023) 2 February 2023