High Court of Uganda

The High Court of Uganda is the third court of record in order of hierarchy and has unlimited original jurisdiction, which means that it can try any case of any value or crime of any magnitude. Appeals from all Magistrates Courts go to the High Court. 

The High Court is headed by the Honorable Principal Judge who is responsible for the administration of the court and has supervisory powers over Magistrate's courts. 

Physical address
Plot 2, the Square Kampala
19 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
July 2009
Mabale Growers Tea Factory Limited v Noorali Muhammed,Registrar of titles (Civil Suit No.65 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 111 (30 July 2009) 30 July 2009
Mabale Growers Tea Factory Ltd V Noorali Mohamed & Another (Civil Suit No. 0065 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 247 (30 July 2009) 30 July 2009
Mugisha Richard Bob Kagoro v Uganda Wildlife Authority (Civil Suit No.263 of 2007) [2009] UGHC 139 (27 July 2009) 27 July 2009
Robert Mukembo v Ecolab East africa(u) Ltd (Civil Suit No. 54 of 2007) [2009] UGHC 126 (27 July 2009) 27 July 2009
Emily Susanne Dyk Wissanja v Zahid Asafali Wissanja (HCT-00-FD-MC-0008-2009) (HCT-00-FD-MC-0008-2009) [2009] UGHC 34 (23 July 2009) 23 July 2009
In Re: John Paul Simeon (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0091-2009) [2009] UGHC 50 (23 July 2009) 23 July 2009
In Re: Antony Owomugisha (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0086-2009) [2009] UGHC 42 (22 July 2009) 22 July 2009
In Re: Benjamin Nsubuga (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0088-2009) [2009] UGHC 38 (22 July 2009) 22 July 2009
In Re: Andrew Kayombya (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0089-2009) [2009] UGHC 63 (21 July 2009) 21 July 2009
In Re: Mathias Mutebi (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0093-2009) [2009] UGHC 52 (21 July 2009) 21 July 2009
In Re: Mercy Elyssa Asinde (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0082-2009) [2009] UGHC 53 (15 July 2009) 15 July 2009
Uganda V Annaliza Mondon & Anor (Criminal Case No.300 of 2009) (Criminal Case No.300 of 2009) [2009] UGHC 86 (14 July 2009) 14 July 2009
Asiimwe Kahigwa V Uganda (Criminal Appeal 0021 of 2008) [2009] UGHC 242 (13 July 2009) 13 July 2009
Ponsiano Senyonga Vs. James Kyaligamba (Civil Appeal No. 31Of 2004) (Civil Appeal No. 31of 2004) [2009] UGHC 206 (13 July 2009) 13 July 2009
In Re: Hillary Kakeeto (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0081-2009) [2009] UGHC 48 (8 July 2009) 8 July 2009
Pearl Fish Processors Ltd v The Attorney General & anoer (HCT-00-CV-MC-0103-2007) (HCT-00-CV-MC-0103-2007) [2009] UGHC 186 (8 July 2009) 8 July 2009
Nampogo Robert,Tumwesigye Moses v Attorney General (HCT-00-CV-MC-0120 OF 2008) (HCT-00-CV-MC-0120 OF 2008) [2009] UGHC 183 (6 July 2009) 6 July 2009
In Re: Iren Najjuma (An Infant) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0079-2009) [2009] UGHC 49 (1 July 2009) 1 July 2009
In Re: Nicholas Mwanje & Anor (Children) (HCT-00-FD-FC-0078-2009) [2009] UGHC 45 (1 July 2009) 1 July 2009