High Court of Uganda

The High Court of Uganda is the third court of record in order of hierarchy and has unlimited original jurisdiction, which means that it can try any case of any value or crime of any magnitude. Appeals from all Magistrates Courts go to the High Court. 

The High Court is headed by the Honorable Principal Judge who is responsible for the administration of the court and has supervisory powers over Magistrate's courts. 

Physical address
Plot 2, the Square Kampala
17 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
February 2009
Nathan Karema V The Attorney General (HCT-00-CV-CS- 1019-2004 ) (HCT-00-CV-CS- 1019-2004) [2009] UGHC 82 (26 February 2009) 26 February 2009
Fred Musoke & 3 Ors v Robinah Nalwanga (HCT-00-FD-CS-000127-2006) (HCT-00-FD-CS-000127-2006) [2009] UGHC 22 (25 February 2009) 25 February 2009
Arakit Mary Margaret V The Attorney General (HCT-00-CV-CS-0699-2003 ) (HCT-00-CV-CS-0699-2003) [2009] UGHC 81 (24 February 2009) 24 February 2009
Uganda v Iyapete David (HCT-04-CR-SC-0053-2008) [2009] UGHC 223 (24 February 2009) 24 February 2009
Stella Maris Amabilis & Anor v Esther Nabusakala (HCT-00-FD-CS-0072-2007) (HCT-00-FD-CS-0072-2007) [2009] UGHC 21 (23 February 2009) 23 February 2009
Wanyama Bakulu t/a Junior Coach v Kibwota Santanino Layoo (Misc. Appl. No. 4 of 2009) (Misc. Appl. No. 4 of 2009) [2009] UGHC 11 (19 February 2009) 19 February 2009
M/s Kibeedi & Co.Advocates v Pan Afric Commodities Ltd (Misc. Cause No.188 Of 2008) (Misc. Cause No.188 of 2008) [2009] UGHC 189 (17 February 2009) 17 February 2009
Kamagara v Stanbic Bank Uganda Ltd (Hct-00-cv-cs-0264 of 2003) [2009] UGHC 232 (16 February 2009) 16 February 2009
Cpl Opio Mark v Attorney General (Cv. Cs.No.611 Of 2006) (Cv. Cs. No. 611 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 155 (12 February 2009) 12 February 2009
Luciano De Sanctis v Jack Wavamuno & Anor (Civil Suit No. 61 of 2006) (Civil Suit No. 61 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 6 (12 February 2009) 12 February 2009
Edward Waligo v Departed Asians Properties Custodian Board & Ors (Civil Suit No.30 of 2006) (Civil Suit No.30 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 1 (8 February 2009) 8 February 2009
Gladys Aserua Orochi v Kabale District Local Government Council (High Court Civil Suit No.93 of 2002) (High Court Civil Suit No.93 of 2002) [2009] UGHC 2 (5 February 2009) 5 February 2009
Kamagara Charles v Uganda Railways Corporation (Civil Suit No.846 of 2005) (Civil Suit No.846 of 2005) [2009] UGHC 4 (5 February 2009) 5 February 2009
Kawalya Aloysious V Sendagire Norman (HCCS No. 162 of 2006) (HCCS No. 162 of 2006) [2009] UGHC 69 (5 February 2009) 5 February 2009
Nansubuga Josephine v Vision For Africa (High Court Civil Suit No. 969 of 2005) (High Court Civil Suit No. 969 of 2005) [2009] UGHC 9 (4 February 2009) 4 February 2009
Kasekya Kasaija Sylvan v Attorney General (Civil Suit No.1147 Of 1998) (Civil Suit No.1147 of 1998) [2009] UGHC 92 (2 February 2009) 2 February 2009
Moses Semanda Kazibwe v James Senyondo Katongole (Miscellaneous Application No. 272 of 2005) (Miscellaneous Application No. 272 of 2005) [2009] UGHC 7 (1 February 2009) 1 February 2009