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Commercial Court of Uganda

The Commercial Court was established in 1996 as a division of the High Court of Uganda devoted to hearing and determining commercial disputes with current jurisdiction (as established under Legal Notice No.4 of 1996 and Instruction Circular No.1 of 1996); company causes, Bankruptcies and intellectual property.

The mission of the court is to deliver to the commercial community an efficient, expeditious and cost-effective mode of adjudicating disputes that affect directly and significantly the economic, commercial and financial life of Uganda.

Physical address
Plot 14, Lumumba Avenue, Nakasero.

Commercial Court of Uganda

2292 documents

Title Date
May 2018
Kyotera Victoria Fishnets Ltd v Commisioner General URA & Anor (Civil Suit None of 2014) [2018] UGCommC 15 (15 May 2018) 15 May 2018
Kyotera Victoria Fishnets Ltd v The Commissioner General, Uganda Revenue Authority (Civil Suit None of 2014) [2018] UGCommC 12 (15 May 2018) 15 May 2018
Midland Emporium Ltd v Sugar & Allied Industries Ltd (HCCS 734 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 10 (15 May 2018) 15 May 2018
Excel Construction Ltd v GCC Service Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 1245 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 47 (10 May 2018) 10 May 2018
DFCU Bank Ltd v Petua Mugala Katoko (Miscellaneous Application None of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 11 (9 May 2018) 9 May 2018
Hajji Kavuma v First Insurance Company Ltd (Civil Suit No. 442 of 2013) [2018] UGCommC 65 (7 May 2018) 7 May 2018
Sabiiti v Kampala Capital City Authority (Miscellaneous Application No. 316 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 56 (3 May 2018) 3 May 2018
Mitanda v Uganda Revenue Authority (Miscellaneous Application No. 1424 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 40 (2 May 2018) 2 May 2018
April 2018
Wen Jie v Nabimanya & Anor (Civil Suit No. 605 of 2014) [2018] UGCommC 62 (24 April 2018) 24 April 2018
Dolamite Engineering Services Ltd v Attorney General & Anor (Civil Suit 599 of 2014) [2018] UGCommC 6 (18 April 2018) 18 April 2018
Highland Agriculture and Export Ltd v Bulondo International Ltd & 3 Ors (Civil Suit 568 of 2013) [2018] UGCommC 8 (6 April 2018) 6 April 2018
March 2018
Hajat Nuriyat Memetebikulwa Kiwanuka v Micro Finance Support Centre & Anor (Civil Suit No. 466 of 2013) [2018] UGCommC 82 (9 March 2018) 9 March 2018
Kato v Crane Bank Ltd (Miscellaneous Application 123 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 7 (1 March 2018) 1 March 2018
Plinth Technical Works Ltd v Stirling Civil Engineering Ltd (Miscellaneous Application 245 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 9 (1 March 2018) 1 March 2018
February 2018
Lubowa Gardens Ltd & Anor v Equity Bank Ltd (HCCS 111 of 2013) [2018] UGCommC 4 (26 February 2018) 26 February 2018
Kyadok Hardware Ltd v Kwik Build Contractors Ltd (Civil Suit No. 40 of 2014) [2018] UGCommC 83 (20 February 2018) 20 February 2018
Orient Bank Ltd v Kampala International University (Miscellaneous Application 1229 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 5 (20 February 2018) 20 February 2018
MMAKS Advocates & Anor v Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (Civil Appeal 31 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 3 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Barclays Bank of Uganda Ltd v Uchumi Supermarkets Ltd (HCCS 905 of 2016) [2018] UGCommC 2 (6 February 2018) 6 February 2018
January 2018
Infinity Telecom Ugand Ltd & Ors v Orange Uganda Ltd (Miscellaneous Application 3 of 2017) [2018] UGCommC 1 (9 January 2018) 9 January 2018
December 2017
Sudhir Rupaleria (Miscellaneous Application No. 1063 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 153 (21 December 2017) 21 December 2017
Uganda National Roads Authority v. DOTT Services Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 798 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 205 (21 December 2017) 21 December 2017
Opio v Bwanika & 3 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 1115 of 2016) [2017] UGCommC 154 (14 December 2017) 14 December 2017
November 2017
Global Company (U) Limited v Umeme Limited (Civil Suit No. 236 of 2014) [2017] UGCommC 156 (23 November 2017) 23 November 2017
Majid Akuze v Centenary Rural Development Bank (Civil Suit No. 87 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 157 (20 November 2017) 20 November 2017
Nsamo v Equity Bank (U) Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 936 of 2016) [2017] UGCommC 246 (9 November 2017) 9 November 2017
Asante Aviation Ltd v Star of Africa Air Charters Ltd & 3 Ors (HCCS 431 of 2014) [2017] UGCommC 125 (2 November 2017) 2 November 2017
Bugiri High School Ltd & 2 Ors v DFCU Bank Limted (Miscellaneous Application No. 984 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 248 (2 November 2017) 2 November 2017
Bugiri High School Ltd & 2 Ors v DFCU Bank Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 984 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 144 (2 November 2017) 2 November 2017
Dott Services Ltd v Uganda National Roads Authority & Anor (Miscellaneous Cause No. 228 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 152 (2 November 2017) 2 November 2017
Moding v Kabanda (Civil Appeal No. 35 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 128 (2 November 2017) 2 November 2017
October 2017
Uganda Finance Trust Ltd (MDI) v Eseri Services Ltd & 2 Ors (Civil Suit No. 245 of 2011) [2017] UGCommC 120 (31 October 2017) 31 October 2017
Alcon International Ltd v National Social Security Fund (Miscellaneous Application No. 509 of 2014) [2017] UGCommC 124 (27 October 2017) 27 October 2017
Kencom (U) Ltd & 2 Ors v Eco Bank (U) Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 148 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 129 (26 October 2017) 26 October 2017
Omoding v Uganda Revenue Authority (HCCS 469 of 2014) [2017] UGCommC 139 (26 October 2017) 26 October 2017
CTM Uganda Ltd & 2 Ors v Allmuss Properties Uganda & 3 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 904 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 126 (25 October 2017) 25 October 2017
CTM Uganda Ltd v Allmuss Properties Uganda Ltd & 2 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 806 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 127 (25 October 2017) 25 October 2017
Ebbzworld Ltd & Anor v Rutakirwa (Civil Suit No. 398 of 2013) [2017] UGCommC 138 (20 October 2017) 20 October 2017
Kinyera v victoria Seeds Ltd (Civil Suit No. 604 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 137 (16 October 2017) 16 October 2017
ABC Capital Bank Ltd v A-1 Industries Ltd & 2 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 1059 of 2016) [2017] UGCommC 143 (11 October 2017) 11 October 2017
Mwesigye v Kiiza (Civil Suit No. 320 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 117 (11 October 2017) 11 October 2017
Yiga v Maviri (Civil Appeal No. 34 of 2013) [2017] UGCommC 134 (4 October 2017) 4 October 2017
Portland International (PTY) Ltd v Sembule Steel Mills Ltd & 2 Ors (Civil Suit No. 141 of 2014) [2017] UGCommC 118 (3 October 2017) 3 October 2017
East African Development Bank v Eden International School Ltd & Anor (Miscellaneous Application No. 630 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 121 (2 October 2017) 2 October 2017
Fang Min v Uganda Hui Neng Mining Ltd 5 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 1096 of 2016) [2017] UGCommC 102 (2 October 2017) 2 October 2017
Stanbic Bank (U) Ltd v Tuka Investiments Ltd & 4 Fours (Civil Suit No. 468 of 2013) [2017] UGCommC 119 (2 October 2017) 2 October 2017
September 2017
Kenlloyd Logistics (U) Ltd v Kalson Agrovet Concerns Ltd (Civil Suit No. 185 of 2010) [2017] UGCommC 116 (28 September 2017) 28 September 2017
Sanywa v Kampala Capital City Authority & Anor (Miscellaneous Cause No. 164 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 103 (28 September 2017) 28 September 2017
Trustees, Entebbe Institute & 2 Ors v Rockshield International Ltd & 3 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 212 of 2017) [2017] UGCommC 123 (27 September 2017) 27 September 2017
Mukuye v MK Creditors Ltd (HC Miscellaneous Application No. 594 of 2015) [2017] UGCommC 106 (24 September 2017) 24 September 2017