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Court of Appeal of Uganda

The Court of Appeal is the second highest court in the land.  It came into being following the promulgation of the 1995 Constitution, and the enactment of the Judicature Statute, 1996. Article 134 of the Constitution established the structure of the Court of Appeal.

While presiding over matters , it is duly constituted when it consists of an odd number of not less than three (3) justices of the Court of Appeal. It is this court that constitutes itself into a Constitutional Court in accordance with the Constitution to hear constitutional cases.

The Constitutional Court consists of fifteen (15) justices and handles the matters, issues or cases concerning the interpretation of the Constitution  When presiding over a constitutional matter, there must be a quorum of at least five (5) justices of the court.

Physical address
Twed Towers along Kafu Road, Nakasero,Kampala.

Court of Appeal of Uganda

2511 documents

Title Date
December 2019
Sukuton Ali v Kapkwonyongo & 2 Ors (Civil Appeal No. 117 of 2012) [2019] UGCA 2072 (20 December 2019) 20 December 2019
Tako Emmanuel v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 337 of 2017) [2019] UGCA 2055 (20 December 2019) 20 December 2019
Okwir William v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 633 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2056 (19 December 2019) 19 December 2019
Mbogo Rajab v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0401 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2060 (18 December 2019) 18 December 2019
Misezero Phillip v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. Oo54 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2061 (18 December 2019) 18 December 2019
Bagala v Uganda Revenue Authourity (Court of Appeal No. 35 of 2010) [2019] UGCA 2046 (16 December 2019) 16 December 2019
Ocepa v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 99 of 2013) [2019] UGCA 2047 (16 December 2019) 16 December 2019
Col (Rtd) Dr. Kiiza Besigye v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition No. 33 of 2011) [2019] UGCA 2030 (12 December 2019) 12 December 2019
Kayabura & 2 Ors v Kahangirwe (Civil Appeal No. 88 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2048 (12 December 2019) 12 December 2019
Bunje v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0236 of 2017) [2019] UGCA 2031 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Jagwe v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 697 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2032 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Kaggwa v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 55 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2033 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Kajubi v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 613 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2034 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Kansiime v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0616 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2035 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Ochen v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 614 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2036 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Rwagaba v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 612 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2037 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Sebyala v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0771 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2038 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Ssebuma v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0617 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2039 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Tiboruhanga v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0655 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2040 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Tibuuza v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 608 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2041 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
Tusabe v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0425 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2042 (9 December 2019) 9 December 2019
National Forestry Authority v The Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara & Others (Civil Application No. 266 of 2019) [2019] UGCA 2029 (3 December 2019) 3 December 2019
Bishop Balagadde Ssekadde & 5 Others v Wamala & 2 Others (Civil Appeal No. 0027 of 2011) [2019] UGCA 2073 (2 December 2019) 2 December 2019
Muhanguzi Kashaka & Ors v Uganda (Consolidated Criminal Appeals Nos 723,735 & 742 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2070 (2 December 2019) 2 December 2019
Rwambogo v Kyatifu (Civil Appeal No. 0055 of 2009) [2019] UGCA 2074 (2 December 2019) 2 December 2019
November 2019
Namazzi v Banadda & 2 Ors (Civil Appeal No. 289 of 2016) [2019] UGCA 2043 (22 November 2019) 22 November 2019
Rutungu Properties Limited v Carrington & Another (Civil Appeal No. 61 of 2010) [2019] UGCA 2026 (21 November 2019) 21 November 2019
Waiswa & 2 Ors v Uganda (Criminal Application No. 0022 of 2017) [2019] UGCA 2050 (21 November 2019) 21 November 2019
Waiswa Jamada & 2 Others v Uganda (Criminal Application No. 0022 of 2019) [2019] UGCA 2024 (21 November 2019) 21 November 2019
Bamulanzeki Zubairi v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 464 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2063 (20 November 2019) 20 November 2019
Semulema & Anor v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0047 of 2015) [2019] UGCA 2066 (20 November 2019) 20 November 2019
Sseluwagi & Ors v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0189 of 2017) [2019] UGCA 2067 (20 November 2019) 20 November 2019
Kenyanya Godwill v Uganda (Criminal Application No. 160 of 2013) [2019] UGCA 2062 (19 November 2019) 19 November 2019
Muwonge Fulgensio v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 0586 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2064 (19 November 2019) 19 November 2019
Naminsi & 2 ors v Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 118 of 2013) [2019] UGCA 2065 (19 November 2019) 19 November 2019
Kamugisha Bernard v Uganda (Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 0047 of 2019) [2019] UGCA 2025 (18 November 2019) 18 November 2019
Waswa Peter Weraga v Uganda (Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 09 of 2019) [2019] UGCA 2023 (18 November 2019) 18 November 2019
Waswa Weraga v Uganda (Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 9 of 2019) [2019] UGCA 2051 (18 November 2019) 18 November 2019
Mukankusi v Uganda Revenue Authority (Civil Appeal No. 06 of 2011) [2019] UGCA 2027 (15 November 2019) 15 November 2019
Mutaba Barisa Kweterana Ltd v Bazirakye & Another (Civil Appeal No. 50 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 2028 (15 November 2019) 15 November 2019
Airtel Uganda Limited v Commissioner General Uganda Revenue Authority (Civil Appeal No. 40 of 2013) [2019] UGCA 2022 (12 November 2019) 12 November 2019
Kabali & Another v Attorney General (Civil Appeal No. 50 of 2007) [2019] UGCA 2073 (12 November 2019) 12 November 2019
October 2019
DFCU Bank Limited v Donna Kamuli (Civil Appeal 121 of 2016) [2019] UGCA 2088 (30 October 2019) 30 October 2019
Kayondo Vs Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 748 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 345 (30 October 2019) 30 October 2019
Uganda Bankers Credit & Saving Society Vs Nansubuga & 2 Ors (Civil Application No. 247 of 2018) [2019] UGCA 356 (23 October 2019) 23 October 2019
Musuhukye & Anor Vs Ntambara (Civil Appeal No. 61 of 2012) [2019] UGCA 354 (22 October 2019) 22 October 2019
Nevia Company Ltd Vs Biersdorf AG (Civil Appeal No. 172 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 355 (22 October 2019) 22 October 2019
Kasirye v Bazigatirawo & Anor (Election Petition Appeal No. 01 of 2018) [2019] UGCA 357 (21 October 2019) 21 October 2019
Mugarura Citezen v Post Bank (u) Ltd (Civil Appeal No. 43 of 2012) [2019] UGCA 41 (18 October 2019) 18 October 2019
Egesa Vs Uganda (Criminal Appeal No. 224 of 2014) [2019] UGCA 351 (8 October 2019) 8 October 2019