This is the version of this Statute as it was from 31 December 2000 to 9 February 2014. Read the latest available version.
Press and Journalist Act
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Press and Journalist Act
Chapter 105
- Commenced on 28 July 1995
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 31 December 2000 to 9 February 2014.]
- [Note: This legislation was revised and consolidated as at 31 December 2000 and 31 December 2023 by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
Part I – Interpretation
1. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —Part II – Mass media
2. Right to publish a newspaper
3. Compliance with other laws
Nothing contained in section 2 absolves any person from compliance with any law —4. Access to official information
A person may have access to official information subject to any law in force relating to national security, secrecy or confidentiality of information.5. Registration of particulars relating to an editor
6. Functions of an editor
A proprietor and editor of a mass media organisation shall —7. Disqualification of an editor.
A person shall not be appointed an editor of a mass media organisation if —Part III – Media Council
8. Establishment of the Media Council
9. Functions of the council
10. Meetings, etc. of the council
11. Remuneration of members of the council
Members of the council may be paid such remuneration or allowances as may be approved by the Minister.12. Annual report
The council shall, within three months after the end of each year, submit to the Minister an annual report on all its activities; and the Minister shall lay the report before Parliament within three months after receiving it.Part IV – The National Institute of Journalists of Uganda
13. Establishment of the institute
14. Objects of the institute
15. Membership of the institute
16. Application for membership of the institute
17. Disqualification from membership of the institute
A person shall not be enrolled or continue to be a member of the institute if—18. Executive committee
For the proper management of the affairs of the institute, there shall be an executive committee consisting of a president, a vice president, a general secretary, a treasurer, an assistant general secretary and three other members, all of whom shall be elected annually by the institute at a general meeting.19. Functions of the executive committee
The functions of the executive committee shall be—20. Meetings of the committee and of the general assembly
The Second and Third Schedules to this Act shall apply to meetings of the executive committee and the general assembly.Part V – Financial provisions
21. Funds of the institute
22. Borrowing powers
The executive committee may borrow money on terms that may be agreed upon by the Government for the performance of the functions of the institute.23. Investment
The executive committee may invest monies of the institute in any securities issued or guaranteed by the Government or in any other projects approved by the Government.24. Financial year
The financial year of the institute shall be the calendar year that is twelve months beginning from the 1st day of January and ending on the 31st day of December each year.25. Accounts and audit
Part VI – Regulation of public practice
26. Registration of journalists
The name and particulars of a person enrolled under this Act shall, on presentation of the certificate of enrollment to the council, be entered on the register of journalists of Uganda.27. Practising certificate
28. Refusal to grant a practising certificate
No person shall be granted a practising certificate by the council if —29. Accreditation card
Part VII – Disciplinary committee and inquiries
30. Disciplinary committee
31. Complaints against a journalist
32. Procedure of the committee
The procedure to be followed by the committee in the hearing of the complaint shall be as provided in the First Schedule to this Act.33. Committee’s decision
After hearing the journalist to whom the complaint relates and after considering the evidence adduced, the committee may dismiss the complaint if no ground for a disciplinary action is proved, or if a ground for a disciplinary action is proved, impose any or a combination of the following penalties—34. Appeal to the High Court
35. Implementation of the committee’s orders
36. Revocation of suspension of a journalist
The council may, on receiving new facts relating to a case of a journalist on suspension, revoke the suspension.Part VIII – Miscellaneous and transitional provisions
37. Report, etc. to be received in evidence
A report or order made by the council and signed by the chairperson and the secretary shall be received in any legal proceedings and shall be taken to be that particular report or order without further proof of its contents unless the contrary is shown.38. Protection of source of information
A journalist shall not be compelled to disclose the source of his or her information except with the consent of the person who gave him or her the information or on an order of a court of law.39. Seizure order
40. Professional code of ethics
41. Practising journalists prior to commencement of this Act to continue to practise
A person who is practising journalism immediately prior to the commencement of this Act may continue to practise journalism until he or she is duly enrolled as a journalist in accordance with this Act.42. Regulations
History of this document
10 February 2014
31 December 2000 this version
28 July 1995