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Supreme Court of Uganda

The Supreme Court of Uganda is the highest judicial organ in Uganda. It derives powers from Article 130 of the 1995 constitution. It is primarily an appellate court with original jurisdiction in only one type of case: a presidential election petition.

The Supreme Court is headed by the chief justice nd has ten other justices. The quorum required for a court decision varies depending on the type of case under consideration. When hearing a constitutional appeal, the required quorum is seven justices. In a criminal or a civil appeal, only five justices are required for a quorum.


Physical address
8 Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, Uganda

Supreme Court of Uganda - 2008

25 documents
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Attorney General and Another v James Mark Kamoga and Another [2008] UGSC 4 (6 March 2008) 6 March 2008
Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda v Masalu Musene Wilson & Ors [2008] UGSC 13 (14 October 2008) 14 October 2008
Attorney General v A.K.P.M. Lutaya (Civil Appeal 16 of 2007) [2008] UGSC 2 (16 December 2008) 16 December 2008
Bank of Uganda v Betty Tinkamanyire [2008] UGSC 21 (16 December 2008) 16 December 2008
Boney M. Katatumba v Waheed Karim [2008] UGSC 3 (12 March 2008) 12 March 2008
Brigadier Henry Tumukunde v The attorney General & Anor [2008] UGSC 14 (13 October 2008) 13 October 2008
Charles Harry Twagira Vs Attorney General and Two Others [2008] UGSC 10 (9 July 2008) 9 July 2008
F.L.Kaderbhai & Anor v Shamsherali Zaver Virji & Ors [2008] UGSC 20 (17 October 2008) 17 October 2008
Fred Badaa & Anor vProf Muyanda Mutebi [2008] UGSC 4 (11 November 2008) 11 November 2008
FRED BADDA & Anor v Prof. Mayanda Mutebi [2008] UGSC 18 (11 September 2008) 11 September 2008
G. Afaro vs Uganda Breweries Ltd [2008] UGSC 11 (22 July 2008) 22 July 2008
Gole Nicholas Davis v Loi Kageni Kiryapawo [2008] UGSC 5 (6 March 2008) 6 March 2008
Hwan Sung Industries Ltd v Tajdin Hussein & Ors [2008] UGSC 17 (19 September 2008) 19 September 2008
Iddi Kisiki Lubyayi v Ssewankambo Musa Kamulegeya [2008] UGSC 22 (26 February 2008) 26 February 2008
JOY KABATSI KAFURA v ANIFA KAWOOYA BANGIRANA & Anor [2008] UGSC 16 (11 November 2008) 11 November 2008
Kakooza John Baptist vs Electoral Commission and Another [2008] UGSC 8 (22 May 2008) 22 May 2008
Kampala District Land Board and Another v Venansio Babweyaka and Others [2008] UGSC 3 (11 February 2008) 11 February 2008
Kassam & Another v Kassam & Another (Civil Appeal 10 of 2006) [2008] UGSC 23 (11 November 2008) 11 November 2008
Mukasa Anthony Harris v Dr. Bayiga Michael Philip Lulume [2008] UGSC 6 (6 March 2008) 6 March 2008
Nakendo v Mwondha [2008] UGSC 2 (22 January 2008) 22 January 2008
Orient Bank Limited v Zaabwe and Another [2008] UGSC 1 (22 January 2008) 22 January 2008
Sentongo v Shell (U) Limited & Another (Civil Reference 1 of 2008) [2008] UGSC 24 (24 July 2008) 24 July 2008
Sitenda Sebalu vs Sam Njuba and Another [2008] UGSC 7 (22 May 2008) 22 May 2008
Susan Kigula Sserembe & Anor v Uganda [2008] UGSC 15 (15 October 2008) 15 October 2008
Tim Kabaza & 2 Ors v Chatha Investments Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No.745 of 2007) [2008] UGSC 5 (31 March 2008) 31 March 2008