HC: Land Division (Uganda)

The Land Division is a Division created at the High Court Head office at Kampala.

The Division is charged with the following functions:Responsibility of supervising the work of Land Tribunals, the adjudication of all land related dispute fall under this Division. The land Division is established with three judges with a separate registry for the Division .There is a Registrar for the Land Division who doubles as the Registrar of the Land Tribunals. A desk office was also established under the office of the Registrar to handle the activities of the District Land Tribunals.


Physical address
Twed Towers, along Kafu Road, Nakasero, Kampala.
24 judgments
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February 2021
Kigulu v Takia Nightingale Taqwa Mukasa Clark (Civil Suit No. 2171 of 2014) [2021] UGHCLD 68 (26 February 2021) 26 February 2021
Guaranty Trust Bank (U) Limited v Tebusabwa and 6 Others (Civil Miscellaneous Application No. 1258 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 17 (25 February 2021) 25 February 2021
Saku Lubega v Okudi (Civil Suit No. 2177 of 2016) [2021] UGHCLD 69 (25 February 2021) 25 February 2021
Saku Lubega v Okudi Joseph (Civil Suit No. 2177 of 2016) [2021] UGHCLD 67 (25 February 2021) 25 February 2021
Kyazze v Mukalazi and 5 Others (HCCS Civil Suit No. 531 of 2018) [2021] UGHCLD 25 (22 February 2021) 22 February 2021
Wasswa and Another v Administrator General and Others (Civil Suit 388 of 2018) [2021] UGHCLD 478 (18 February 2021) 18 February 2021
Wasswa and Others v Mpagi and Others (Civil Suit 388 of 2018) [2021] UGHCLD 480 (18 February 2021) 18 February 2021
Fatemabai fazzlehussein Patwa v Beoart Limited and Anor (HC Miscellaneous Application No. 1192 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 48 (12 February 2021) 12 February 2021
Lyamulemye v Kwiringira (Civil Suit No. 118 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 10 (12 February 2021) 12 February 2021
Paul Muhimbura and Anor v Patrick Lwanga and 2 Others (Civil Review 28 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 53 (12 February 2021) 12 February 2021
Bukenya v Nabukeera (Civil Appeal No. 115 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 23 (11 February 2021) 11 February 2021
Migadde (Administrator of the estate of the late Sajabi sikamituba Temitewo) v Nalwadda Nasande and Another (Civil Suit No. 19 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 213 (10 February 2021) 10 February 2021
S.L.P Engineering and Contractors Limited v Nkambwe and Another (Civil Review 11 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 477 (9 February 2021) 9 February 2021
Bank of Africa Uganda Limited v Sitakange Herbert and 2 Others (HC Miscellaneous Application No. 119 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 56 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Dr. Lubega Khalid v Mariam G. Muzei (Civil Appeal No. 170 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 34 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Hadijah Ndagire and Anor v Mohammad Kasozi and 15 Others (Civil Suit No. 40 of 2014) [2021] UGHCLD 38 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Ntambi Sebanyiga v Nanyonga and 3 Others (Civil Suit No. 843 of 2018) [2021] UGHCLD 36 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Kizza and Anor v Senkoma and 3 Others (Civil Suit No. 158 of 2007) [2021] UGHCLD 173 (5 February 2021) 5 February 2021
Bexus International Limited v Kikonyogo Investments Limited and Anor (H.C.Miscellaneous Application No. 500 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 42 (4 February 2021) 4 February 2021
Davakam Collections Limited v Commissioner for Lands Registration (Misc Cause No. 16 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 215 (4 February 2021) 4 February 2021
Ibulaimu Kironde Kabanda v Darlington Kampama Senkumba (Civil Revision 4 of 2013) [2021] UGHCLD 40 (4 February 2021) 4 February 2021
Aijuka v Katuramu and Another (Civil Miscellaneous Application No. 1987 of 2019) [2021] UGHCLD 65 (1 February 2021) 1 February 2021
Emmanuel Mambo and 2 Others v Dingkuii Deng Goc Ayuel (H.C.Miscellaneous Application No. 1291 of 2020) [2021] UGHCLD 57 (1 February 2021) 1 February 2021
Ojwiya v Mutisa (Civil Suit No. 2122 of 2016) [2021] UGHCLD 19 (1 February 2021) 1 February 2021