HC: Land Division (Uganda)

The Land Division is a Division created at the High Court Head office at Kampala.

The Division is charged with the following functions:Responsibility of supervising the work of Land Tribunals, the adjudication of all land related dispute fall under this Division. The land Division is established with three judges with a separate registry for the Division .There is a Registrar for the Land Division who doubles as the Registrar of the Land Tribunals. A desk office was also established under the office of the Registrar to handle the activities of the District Land Tribunals.


Physical address
Twed Towers, along Kafu Road, Nakasero, Kampala.
27 judgments
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Judgment date
November 2016
Katamba & Anor v Kiramba & Ors (Miscillinous Application No. 1165 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 86 (30 November 2016) 30 November 2016
Okia & 2Ors v Igira (HCT-04-CV-CA-0114 OF 2012) [2016] UGHCLD 80 (28 November 2016) 28 November 2016
Ken Paper (E.A) Ltd v The Registered Trustees of Kampala Archdioces (Civil Suit No. 504 of 2012) [2016] UGHCLD 2 (25 November 2016) 25 November 2016
Nakitende & Anor v Kigozi & 2 Ors (Misc. Application No. 495 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 6 (25 November 2016) 25 November 2016
Nalumansi & 3 Ors v Bukenya & 3 Ors (Misc. Application No. 2052/2016) [2016] UGHCLD 4 (25 November 2016) 25 November 2016
Nalumansi & 3 Ors v Sserunjogi & 12 Ors (Misc. Application No. 2052/2016) [2016] UGHCLD 7 (25 November 2016) 25 November 2016
Kabasongola v Kaburuli (Civil Appeal No. 0016 of 2015) [2016] UGHCLD 47 (24 November 2016) 24 November 2016
Nile Construction General Contractors Ltd & Anor v Kanyeihamba (Miscellaneous Application No. 405 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 31 (22 November 2016) 22 November 2016
Ogweyo v Oguttu (HCT-04-CV-CA-0177-2013) [2016] UGHCLD 79 (21 November 2016) 21 November 2016
Mutale v Balisigara (Misc. Application No. 1255 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 5 (20 November 2016) 20 November 2016
Mugala v Kiroko (HCT-04-CV-CA-0053-2012) [2016] UGHCLD 36 (15 November 2016) 15 November 2016
Mulembe v Korutaro & Ors (HCT – 01 – LD – MA – 0019 of 2016-11-08) [2016] UGHCLD 29 (14 November 2016) 14 November 2016
Kanyeihamba v Nile Construction General Contractors Ltd & Anor (Miscellaneous Application No. 485 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 25 (11 November 2016) 11 November 2016
Wabwala v Kizamba (HCT-04-CV-CA-0131-2014) [2016] UGHCLD 37 (11 November 2016) 11 November 2016
Wabwala v Kizamba (HCT-04-CV-CA-0131-2014) [2016] UGHCLD 38 (11 November 2016) 11 November 2016
Nebbi & Anor v Manano (Civil Appeal No. 0003 of 2005) [2016] UGHCLD 32 (10 November 2016) 10 November 2016
Odomel v Otim (HCT-04-CV-CA-0015-2009) [2016] UGHCLD 44 (10 November 2016) 10 November 2016
Onyango v Ofwono & Anor (HCT-04-CV-CA-0153-2014) [2016] UGHCLD 42 (10 November 2016) 10 November 2016
Lubwama & Anor v Bank of Africa (U) Ltd & Ors (Civil Suit No 177 of 2013) [2016] UGHCLD 26 (7 November 2016) 7 November 2016
Falcon Estates Ltd v Bismillah Trading Ltd (Miscellaneous Application No. 221 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 24 (4 November 2016) 4 November 2016
Masaba v Werishe (HCT-04-CV-CS-0003-2015) [2016] UGHCLD 41 (4 November 2016) 4 November 2016
The Law Development Centre v Wasswa (Civil Suit No. 724 of 2003) [2016] UGHCLD 27 (4 November 2016) 4 November 2016
Namugenyi & Anor v Nambi & 4 Ors (Miscellaneous Application No. 468 of 2016) [2016] UGHCLD 85 (3 November 2016) 3 November 2016
Nyanda & Anor v Izama (Civil Appeal No. 0009 of 2013) [2016] UGHCLD 33 (3 November 2016) 3 November 2016
Opio v Onyai (Civil Appeal No. 0039 of 2014) [2016] UGHCLD 35 (3 November 2016) 3 November 2016
West Nile Teachers Savings & Credit Coperative Society v Tabu (Civil Suit No. 0001 of 2011) [2016] UGHCLD 34 (3 November 2016) 3 November 2016
Kokop v Ndiwa & Anor (HCT-04-CV-CA-0023-2015) [2016] UGHCLD 45 (1 November 2016) 1 November 2016