High Court of Uganda

The High Court of Uganda is the third court of record in order of hierarchy and has unlimited original jurisdiction, which means that it can try any case of any value or crime of any magnitude. Appeals from all Magistrates Courts go to the High Court. 

The High Court is headed by the Honorable Principal Judge who is responsible for the administration of the court and has supervisory powers over Magistrate's courts. 

Physical address
Plot 2, the Square Kampala

Arua High Court

25 documents

Court registries

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Adjumani District Local Government v Akule & 3 Others (Miscellaneous Application 56 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 644 (9 July 2024) 9 July 2024
Akuku v Uganda (Criminal Miscellaneous Application 12 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 453 (10 June 2024) 10 June 2024
Amayo v Zhang & 2 Others (Civil Suit 12 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 352 (16 May 2024) 16 May 2024
Avini v Arua District Local Government (Miscellaneous Cause 52 of 2022) [2024] UGHC 353 (13 May 2024) 13 May 2024
Ayiko v Ayiko (Divorce Cause 1 of 2015) [2017] UGHC 1 (17 February 2017) 17 February 2017
Dynamic Consortium Limited v Uganda Nurse, NSG & Another (Civil Suit 32 of 2017) [2024] UGHC 574 (1 July 2024) 1 July 2024
Eyoobia & Others v Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited & Others (Civil Suit 6 of 2015) [2020] UGHC 411 (20 February 2020) 20 February 2020
Koboko Municipal Council v Nice & Soft Investments Limited & Another (Miscellaneous Cause 100 of 2022) [2024] UGHC 452 (10 June 2024) 10 June 2024
Nantale v Nakazibwe & Another (Civil Suit 10 of 2022) [2024] UGHC 373 (28 May 2024) 28 May 2024
Ocatre v Ezati and Another (Civil Suit 4 of 2022) [2024] UGHC 613 (10 July 2024) 10 July 2024
Openja & Another v Aluku (Civil Suit 28 of 2021) [2024] UGHC 642 (9 July 2024) 9 July 2024
Oribi v Tuape (Family Cause 1 of 2024) [2024] UGHC 643 (11 July 2024) 11 July 2024
Strabag International GMBH v Araku & Araku (Miscellaneous Application 103 of 2022) [2024] UGHC 529 (12 June 2024) 12 June 2024
Strabag International GMBH v Turyahebwa (Miscellaneous Application 43 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 641 (9 July 2024) 9 July 2024
Strabag International GMBT v Kwebiha (Miscellaneous Application 24 of 2023) [2023] UGHC 466 (10 October 2023) 10 October 2023
Uganda v Adima (Criminal Session Case 176 of 2022) [2023] UGHC 309 (24 August 2023) 24 August 2023
Uganda v Amadu (Criminal Session Case 52 of 2023) [2023] UGHC 310 (23 August 2023) 23 August 2023
Uganda v Avaga (Criminal Session Case 306 of 2022) [2023] UGHC 311 (24 August 2023) 24 August 2023
Uganda v Azabo (Criminal Session Case 82 of 2023) [2023] UGHC 312 (23 August 2023) 23 August 2023
Uganda v Edemacu (Criminal Session Case 56 of 2023) [2023] UGHC 313 (20 July 2023) 20 July 2023
Uganda v Musema (Criminal Session Case 58 of 2023) [2023] UGHC 308 (23 August 2023) 23 August 2023
Uganda v Okot (Criminal Session Case 167 of 2022) [2023] UGHC 314 (25 August 2023) 25 August 2023
Uganda v Okot (Criminal Session Case 167 of 2022) [2023] UGHC 315 (25 August 2023) 25 August 2023
War Child Canada v Siriba (Civil Revision 3 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 535 (12 June 2024) 12 June 2024
Yovela Holdings Limited v Westnile Rural Electrification Company (Consolidated Miscellenous Application 108 of 2023; Consolidated Miscellenous Application 119 of 2023) [2024] UGHC 451 (6 June 2024) 6 June 2024