High Court of Uganda

The High Court of Uganda is the third court of record in order of hierarchy and has unlimited original jurisdiction, which means that it can try any case of any value or crime of any magnitude. Appeals from all Magistrates Courts go to the High Court. 

The High Court is headed by the Honorable Principal Judge who is responsible for the administration of the court and has supervisory powers over Magistrate's courts. 

Physical address
Plot 2, the Square Kampala

High Court of Uganda - 2007

39 documents

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Attorney General v Ssengomwami Ssemanda Dick (Civil Appeal No. 65 of 2004) (Civil Appeal No. 65 of 2004) [2007] UGHC 33 (5 October 2007) 5 October 2007
Christine Nakamu & 2 Ors v Kyabongole Farmers Company Ltd (Civil Suit No.1002 of 2004) (Civil Suit No.1002 of 2004) [2007] UGHC 29 (5 October 2007) 5 October 2007
David Nyakana Balinda & Ors v Joseph Ahimbisibwe (Miscellaneous Application No. 172 of 2006) (Miscellaneous Application No. 172 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 23 (12 April 2007) 12 April 2007
Farouk S. Mukasa v Posta Uganda (Civil Suit No. 439 of 2004) (Civil Suit No. 439 of 2004) [2007] UGHC 30 (15 March 2007) 15 March 2007
Faustine Rugyera v World Vision International (U) (HCT-00-CV-500 OF 2007) [2007] UGHC 17 (10 May 2007) 10 May 2007
Goodman Agencies Ltd & Ors v The Attorney General (Civil Suit No.719 of 1997) (Civil Suit No.719 of 1997) [2007] UGHC 25 (13 August 2007) 13 August 2007
IGG v Gordon Sentiba & 3 Ors (Misc. Appl. No. 65 of 2007) (Misc. Appl. No. 65 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 34 (15 March 2007) 15 March 2007
In Re:An Exparte Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review & In Re:Afro-Motors Ltd & Anor v Minister of Finance, Planning & Economic Planning & Anor (Miscellaneous Cause No.203 of 2006) (Miscellaneous Cause No.203 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 22 (10 October 2007) 10 October 2007
In Re: Namuli Hadijah & Kaweesa Ibrahim (children) (Adoption Cause No. 68 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 41 (17 July 2007) 17 July 2007
In Re: Parliamentary Elections Act, Act 17 of 2005; Kabatsi Joy Kafura v Bangirana Kawooya Anifa and Another (Parliamentary Election Petition No.0001 of 2006) (Parliamentary Election Petition No.0001 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 7 (23 January 2007) 23 January 2007
Jabir and Another v Jabir and Others (Civil Appeal No. HCT 02 CV. AC 0001/03) (Civil Appeal No. HCT 02 CV. AC 0001/03) [2007] UGHC 10 (11 September 2007) 11 September 2007
Jayesh Thakker v Uganda (Criminal Session Case No. 84 of 2007) (Criminal Session Case No. 84 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 36 (5 December 2007) 5 December 2007
Joseph v Betty (Civil Suit No 547 of 2006) (Civil Suit No 547 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 1 (22 August 2007) 22 August 2007
Kalema v Kalema 7 Anor (H.C.C.Suit No. 1474 of 2000) [2007] UGHC 29 (9 November 2007) 9 November 2007
Karmali v Rwalinda (57 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 11 (24 September 2007) 24 September 2007
Kiirya Hillary v The New Vision Printing & Publishing Company & Anor (Civil Suit No. 144 of 2007) (Civil Suit No. 144 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 28 (11 October 2007) 11 October 2007
Nambooze Betty Bakireke v Bakaluba Peter Mukasa and Another (Election Petition No. 14 of 2006) (Election Petition No. 14 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 6 (18 January 2007) 18 January 2007
Namuddu Hanifa v Returning Officer, Kampala District and Others (Miscellaneous Cause No. 69 of 2006) (Miscellaneous Cause No. 69 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 5 (18 January 2007) 18 January 2007
Ongole James Michael v Electoral Commission and Another (Election Petition No.0008 of 2006) (Election Petition No.0008 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 4 (7 January 2007) 7 January 2007
Owor Arthur and Others v Gulu University [2007] UGHC 39 (29 November 2007) 29 November 2007
Pader District Local Government v Okengo Justine & 12 Others [2007] UGHC 38 (31 August 2007) 31 August 2007
Paul Mills Ekwang v Lira District Land Board [2007] UGHC 37 (12 July 2007) 12 July 2007
Rebecca Harriet Najjita v Semalulu Wasswa & 2 oers (Civil Suit No. 177 Of 2002 ) (Civil Suit No. 177 of 2002) [2007] UGHC 42 (25 July 2007) 25 July 2007
Roko Construction Ltd v Aya Bakery (U) Ltd (Misc. Cause No. 138 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 31 (3 October 2007) 3 October 2007
Rutaryabusha Eliphaz & Anor v The Attorney General & Anor (Misc. Cause No. 5 of 2007) (Misc. Cause No. 5 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 32 (24 January 2007) 24 January 2007
Sebyala Charles Salongo v Sempagama Musoke Kizito and Another (Local Government Election Petition No. 26 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 8 (17 April 2007) 17 April 2007
Shaban v Miwanda (HCLDCA No. 18 OF 2006) (HCLDCA No. 18 OF 2006) [2007] UGHC 9 (19 March 2007) 19 March 2007
Stella Banyu v Haji Abdul Migade (Miscellaneous Application No.441 of 2006) (Miscellaneous Application No.441 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 24 (8 March 2007) 8 March 2007
The Hair Care Centre Ltd v Ataco Freight Services Ltd (High Court Civil Suit No. 478 of 2001) (High Court Civil Suit No. 478 of 2001) [2007] UGHC 35 (9 December 2007) 9 December 2007
UGANDA versus KYEYUNE PAUL (HCT-03-CR-SC-137 OF 2006) (HCT-03-CR-SC-137 OF 2006) [2007] UGHC 19 (22 October 2007) 22 October 2007
UGANDA versus TANGIT MARTIN (HCT-00-CR-SC-0288 OF 2006) (HCT-00-CR-SC-0288 OF 2006) [2007] UGHC 18 (3 February 2007) 3 February 2007
Uganda v Jesca Kanyengyere (High Court Criminal Session Case No. 49 of 2005) (High Court Criminal Session Case No. 49 of 2005) [2007] UGHC 26 (7 February 2007) 7 February 2007
Uganda v Kagyenda Moses & Others (HCT-05-CR-SC-0228 OF 2003) (HCT-05-CR-SC-0228 OF 2003) [2007] UGHC 20 (23 May 2007) 23 May 2007
Uganda v Kalungi Constance (Criminal Case 443 of 2007) [2007] UGHC 43 (17 December 2007) 17 December 2007
Uganda v Kamwaka Asaph & Anor (High Court Criminal Session Case No. 198 of 2004) (High Court Criminal Session Case No. 198 of 2004) [2007] UGHC 27 (7 February 2007) 7 February 2007
Uganda v Manuela Awacango and Another (Criminal Session No 0016 of 2006) (Criminal Session No 0016 of 2006) [2007] UGHC 14 (1 February 2007) 1 February 2007
Uganda v Mawejje Ronald (HCT-00-CR-SC-0122 OF 2006) (HCT-00-CR-SC-0122 OF 2006) [2007] UGHC 16 (6 December 2007) 6 December 2007
Uganda v Mbirinde Abdu and 4 others (High Court Criminal Session Case NO.0134 OF 2006) (High Court Criminal Session Case NO.0134 OF 2006) [2007] UGHC 13 (13 June 2007) 13 June 2007
Uganda v Sande Richard (HCT-00-CR-SC-0076 OF 2007) (HCT-00-CR-SC-0076 OF 2007) [2007] UGHC 15 (9 December 2007) 9 December 2007