High Court of Uganda

The High Court of Uganda is the third court of record in order of hierarchy and has unlimited original jurisdiction, which means that it can try any case of any value or crime of any magnitude. Appeals from all Magistrates Courts go to the High Court. 

The High Court is headed by the Honorable Principal Judge who is responsible for the administration of the court and has supervisory powers over Magistrate's courts. 

Physical address
Plot 2, the Square Kampala
90 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
December 1993
Hajati Mariamu N.v Almanzane Jjuko (Civil Suit No. 287 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 9 (30 December 1993) 30 December 1993
In the matter of an Application for guardianship by Ngozi Wogugu and Manfred Wogugu (Miscellaneous Application 237 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 75 (23 December 1993) 23 December 1993
Abdul Karim and Another v Barclays Bank of Uganda Limited (Civil Suit 348 of 80) [1993] UGHC 38 (21 December 1993) 21 December 1993
Uganda v Isoke (Criminal Session Case 190 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 84 (21 December 1993) 21 December 1993
Mashukano v Uganda (Criminal Miscellaneous Application 141 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 76 (20 December 1993) 20 December 1993
Rwanyarare and 2 Others v The Attorney General (Miscellaneous Application 85 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 44 (14 December 1993) 14 December 1993
Uganda V John Okwonga (Criminal Sessions Case No.259 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 7 (13 December 1993) 13 December 1993
Uganda v Opoki (Criminal Session Case 147 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 68 (10 December 1993) 10 December 1993
Uganda v No. RA 2072 Private Mubiru (Criminal Session Case 191 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 74 (8 December 1993) 8 December 1993
uganda v no. 40709 sgt Mukerege and another (Criminal Session Case 346 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 73 (7 December 1993) 7 December 1993
Uganda v Oyama (Criminal Session Case 146 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 70 (6 December 1993) 6 December 1993
Uganda v Yamba Musa (Criminal Session Case 144 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 69 (6 December 1993) 6 December 1993
Yoseph Lubega & Ors v International Ventures Ltd (Civil Suit No. 517 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 13 (3 December 1993) 3 December 1993
Joyce Grace Katende v Sulaiman Simagamaga (Civil Appeal No.44 of 1990) [1993] UGHC 6 (2 December 1993) 2 December 1993
November 1993
EA Development Bank v Blenders Uganda Limited (Civil Suit 306 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 36 (29 November 1993) 29 November 1993
Uganda v Budebu Kasto (Criminal Sessions Case 150 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 72 (29 November 1993) 29 November 1993
Uganda v Odipio and 2 Others (Criminal Session Case 153 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 67 (26 November 1993) 26 November 1993
Uganda V Athocon Nereo (Criminal Sessions Case No.183 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 4 (25 November 1993) 25 November 1993
In the matter of guardianship of Josephine Nakalema (Miscellaneous Application 122 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 32 (24 November 1993) 24 November 1993
Alemayehu v Bowerman (Civil Suit 484 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 57 (23 November 1993) 23 November 1993
Lubega v Attorney General (Civil Suit No. 550 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 26 (10 November 1993) 10 November 1993
Birimu v Akamba (U) Ltd (Civil Suit No. 132 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 21 (5 November 1993) 5 November 1993
Noble Builders (Co) Limited v M/s Sietco (Miscellaneous Application 154 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 33 (5 November 1993) 5 November 1993
October 1993
Murungi v Kasigwa & Another (Civil Suit 10 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 87 (28 October 1993) 28 October 1993
Elim Penticostal Evangelical Fellowship v Singh Saggu & Anor (Civil Suit No. 750 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 23 (26 October 1993) 26 October 1993
Mutesasira v Attorney General (Civil Suit 1092 of 1983) [1993] UGHC 60 (26 October 1993) 26 October 1993
Zimbe & Another v Uganda (Criminal Appeal 26 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 85 (22 October 1993) 22 October 1993
Rwomugara v Nantabadde (Civil Appeal 71 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 63 (20 October 1993) 20 October 1993
In the matter of an application by Nakalika Namazi Madina to be appointed Legal Guardian (Miscellaneous Application 91 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 59 (18 October 1993) 18 October 1993
Uganda v Bullu (Criminal Case 105 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 48 (12 October 1993) 12 October 1993
Administrator General v Bandiho & Anor (Civil Suit No. 627 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 19 (7 October 1993) 7 October 1993
Uganda v Rwamwhizi (Criminal Session Case 262 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 50 (7 October 1993) 7 October 1993
Uganda v Byakatonda (Criminal Session Case 251 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 49 (6 October 1993) 6 October 1993
September 1993
Uganda Commercial Bank v Registrar of Titles (Miscellaneous Civil Application 117 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 42 (27 September 1993) 27 September 1993
Uganda Commercial Bank v Registrar of Titles (Miscellaneous Civil Application 117 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 43 (27 September 1993) 27 September 1993
Asha Chad v Attorney General (Civil Suit No.693 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 10 (15 September 1993) 15 September 1993
Uganda Government v Sekayira (Criminal Appeal 17 of 1990) [1993] UGHC 51 (15 September 1993) 15 September 1993
Uganda v Okello (High Court Criminal Revision 120 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 81 (9 September 1993) 9 September 1993
Musiima v Owodyo Limited (Civil Suit 257 of 1983) [1993] UGHC 62 (2 September 1993) 2 September 1993
August 1993
Kintu v The Registered Trustees of Uganda Centre of St. John Ambulance Association (Civil Suit 219 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 54 (30 August 1993) 30 August 1993
Engola v Acire (Civil Suit 370 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 53 (26 August 1993) 26 August 1993
Mayombwe & 11 Others v Wamala (Miscellaneous Application 97 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 71 (26 August 1993) 26 August 1993
Mukasa v Matovu (Civil Suit 354 of 1988) [1993] UGHC 56 (26 August 1993) 26 August 1993
Nangunga Livestock Co-operative Society Ltd v M/s Energo Project Corporation (Civil Suit No.207 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 12 (23 August 1993) 23 August 1993
Livingstone Kato V Filimoni Kagwa (CIivil Suit No.9 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 3 (19 August 1993) 19 August 1993
David Mukasa Sendaula & Anor V Christine Nakalanzi & Anor (Civil Suit No. 423 of 1991) [1993] UGHC 2 (18 August 1993) 18 August 1993
Uganda v No. RA 25721 cpl. Mukasa (Criminal Session Case 289 of 1992) [1993] UGHC 66 (17 August 1993) 17 August 1993
Uganda v Odwong and Another (High Court Criminal Session 282 of 92) [1993] UGHC 41 (17 August 1993) 17 August 1993
July 1993
Mugisha v Uganda (Criminal Appeal 33 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 47 (27 July 1993) 27 July 1993
Uganda Commercial Bank v General Parts (U) Limited (Civil Suit 386 of 1993) [1993] UGHC 61 (20 July 1993) 20 July 1993