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- Is amended by Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Act, 2019
- Is amended by Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Act, 2024
Civil Aviation Authority Act
Chapter 354
- Published
- Commenced on 8 February 1991
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 31 December 2000 to 17 April 2019.]
- [Note: This legislation was revised and consolidated as at 31 December 2000 and 31 December 2023 by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Scope of application
2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—Part II – Establishment, objectives, functions and powers of the authority
3. Establishment of the authority
4. Seal of the authority
5. Objective of the authority
The objective of the authority is to promote the safe, regular, secure and efficient use and development of civil aviation inside and outside Uganda.6. Functions of the authority
7. Powers of the authority
Part III – Board of directors
8. Board of directors
9. Qualifications of members of the board
10. Termination of appointment
11. Functions, duties and powers of the board
The board shall be responsible for the general control of the performance and management of the undertakings and affairs of the authority; and without derogating from the generality of the foregoing provision, the board shall—12. Meetings of the board
13. Remuneration of members
Members of the board and any other person not being an employee of the authority attending a meeting of the board may be paid such remuneration or allowance as the Minister may determine.Part IV – Staff
14. Managing director
15. Duties of the managing director
16. Deputy managing director
17. Corporation secretary
18. Other staff
The authority shall have such other officers and supporting staff as the board may determine.Part V – Financial provisions
19. Sole shareholder
The Government shall be the sole shareholder of the authority.20. Funds of the authority
21. Commercial ventures
The authority may, with a written approval of the Minister—22. Estimates
23. Borrowing powers
24. Financial year
The financial year of the authority shall be the twelve months commencing on the 1st day of July in each year and ending on the 30th day of June of the following year.25. Authority to operate on sound financial principles
The authority shall perform its functions in accordance with sound financial principles and shall ensure as far as possible that its revenue is sufficient to meet expenditure properly chargeable to its revenue.26. Accounts
27. Audit
28. Business plans
29. Charges and fees
30. Annual report
31. Consultation by the authority
Part VI – Civil aviation
32. Chicago Convention and other agreements
33. Air navigation services
34. Air regulations
35. Aeronautical Information Service
36. Technical services
37. Meteorological services
38. Investigation of occurrences
39. Assessment and inspectors
Part VII – Air transport and international obligations
40. International obligations
41. Authority’s permission and establishment of fares, etc.
42. Air operators certificate
43. Appeals tribunal
44. Appeal to appeals tribunal
A person aggrieved by a decision of the authority relating to licensing under this Act may appeal to the appeals tribunal on matters of law.Part VIII – Aerodromes
45. Establishment of aerodromes
46. Zoning and land use control
47. Trespassing
Unauthorised entry into secured areas of aerodromes (such as runways, aprons and passenger holding areas) is prohibited.48. Customs, immigration and health
49. Liability
Authority aerodromes and other licensed aerodromes shall be made available for use by civil aircraft on the expressed condition that the use is entirely at the risk of the registered owner of the aircraft concerned and that neither the authority, the licensee nor the Government shall be held responsible for loss or damage resulting from the use of the authority or licensed aerodromes or their accessory facilities through an act of God, war, civil commotion, riot, looting or any other cause beyond the control of the authority or licensee.Part IX – Security and policing
50. Security regulations
For the purposes of protecting passengers, crew members, aircraft, aerodromes and other aviation facilities, preventing unlawful interference with civil aviation and assuring that appropriate action is taken when interference occurs or is likely to occur, the Minister, on the recommendation of the authority, may make regulations—51. Passenger screening
52. Aerodrome security
The authority shall be responsible for the security of its aerodromes and equipment, including those installations that are located away from the aerodromes.53. Police
The policing of the property of the authority shall be the responsibility of a special unit of a designated security force, trained in airport security.54. Inspection of aircraft
The authority shall be authorised to inspect all aircraft on Ugandan territory, regardless of their place of registry, for reasons of security.Part X – Miscellaneous provisions
55. Directions by the Minister
56. Delegation by the Minister
The Minister may delegate to the authority any of the responsibilities conferred on him or her by this Act.57. Personnel management
58. Nuisance and liability for damage
59. Company, etc. not to contravene the Act
A company or partnership in which the authority may have an interest shall not do anything that is prohibited by, or do anything in any manner that contravenes, this Act.60. Actions of the authority not invalid
An action taken by the authority, including the transfer or acquisition of property by it, shall not be invalid by reason only that the action is contrary to this Act or regulations or is inconsistent with its functions.61. General regulations
62. Power to take action
The authority shall be empowered to take such legal measures as are necessary, to ensure implementation of and compliance with the regulations made under this Act.63. Exemption
64. War and emergencies
Part XI – Transition
65. Government to provide funds to the authority
The Government shall provide at the outset, grants or loan funds to meet the working capital needs of the authority and may, if necessary, set the appropriate interest rate on these funds.66. Saving
Regulations pertaining to the control and governance of civil aviation established by the Government prior to this Act shall remain in force until such time as the Minister or the authority on behalf of the Minister makes new regulations.History of this document
06 February 2024 amendment not yet applied
18 April 2019 amendment not yet applied
31 December 2000 this version
08 February 1991