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Advocates Act
Advocates (Remuneration & Taxation of Costs) Regulations
Statutory Instrument 123 of 1982
- Commenced
- [This is the version of this document from 2 March 2018.]
- [Note: The version of the Act as at 31 December 2000 was revised and consolidated by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
- [Amended by Advocates (Remuneration and Taxation of Costs) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 (Statutory Instrument 7 of 2018) on 2 March 2018]
(Under section 77(1)(e) of the Act)
Part I – General matters
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Advocates (Remuneration and Taxation of Costs) Regulations.2. Application of Regulations
The remuneration of an advocate of the High Court by his or her client in contentious and noncontentious matters, the taxation of that remuneration and the taxation of costs as between party and party in contentious matters in the High Court and in magistrates courts shall be in accordance with these Regulations.3. Definition of folio
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, “folio” means one hundred words, and in the calculation of a folio, a single figure or a group of figures up to five, or an item in accounts, shall be counted as one word.4. Agreed fee not to be less than scale up to one hundred thousand shillings
No advocate shall accept or agree to accept remuneration at less than that provided by these Regulations except where the remuneration assessed under these Regulations would exceed the sum of one hundred thousand shillings, and in that event the agreed fee shall not be less than one hundred thousand shillings.[regulation 4 amended by regulation 2 of Statutory Instrument 7 of 2018]5. Additional remuneration for exceptional dispatch
Where any business requires and receives exceptional dispatch, the advocate shall be entitled to receive and shall be allowed such additional remuneration as is appropriate in the circumstances, which shall be allowable only as between advocate and client.6. Special fee for exceptional importance and complexity
7. Security from client for advocate's remuneration
An advocate may accept from his or her client and a client may give to his or her advocate security for the amount to become due to the advocate for remuneration and disbursements in business to be transacted or being transacted by him or her and for interest as hereafter provided on such amount, but so that interest is not to commence until the amount due is ascertained by either agreement or taxation.8. Interest may be charged
An advocate may charge interest at 6 percent per year on his or her disbursements and costs, whether by scale or otherwise, from the expiration of one month from the delivery of his or her bill to the client.9. Notice of taxation to be given by taxing officer
When a bill of costs has been lodged for taxation, the registrar shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue to the party lodging the bill a notice of the date and time (being not less than five days after the issue of the notice, unless a shorter time is specially allowed by the registrar) fixed for taxation of the bill of costs and shall also issue a copy of the notice, accompanied by a copy of the bill, to each advocate and other person whose name is endorsed on the bill as entitled to receive notice of the taxation of the bill of costs.10. Taxation of costs as between advocate and client on application of either party
11. Failure of advocate to attend taxation after notice, etc.
Any advocate who, after due notice, fails without reasonable excuse to appear on the date and at the time fixed for taxation or on any date and time to which the taxation is adjourned or who, in any way, delays or impedes the taxation or puts any other party to unnecessary or improper expense relative to the taxation shall, on the order of the taxing officer, forfeit the fees to which he or she would otherwise be entitled for drawing his or her bill of costs and attending the taxation and shall in addition be personally liable to pay for any unnecessary or improper expenses to which he or she has put any party; and the taxing officer may proceed with the taxation ex parte.12. Taxation procedure contained in Part III to apply to bills under Part II
The provisions of Part III of these Regulations as to the form and procedure for filing and disposal of a bill of costs for taxation shall apply in all appropriate respects and so far as practicable to any bill of costs under Part II of these Regulations which may require to be taxed.13. Discretion of taxing officer
Notwithstanding anything in these Regulations, on every taxation the taxing officer may allow all such costs, charges and expenses as are authorised in these Regulations and appear to him or her to have been necessary or proper for the attainment of justice or for defending the rights of any party but, except as against the party who incurred them, no costs shall be allowed which appear to the taxing officer to have been incurred or increased through overcaution, negligence or mistake, or by payment of special charges or expenses to witnesses or other persons, or by other unusual expenses.13A. Pre-taxation meeting of advocates or parties
Part II – Noncontentious matters
14. Scale of charges in noncontentious matters
Subject to regulation 19 of these Regulations, the scale of charges by an advocate in respect of conveyancing and general business (not being business in any action or transacted in any court or in the chambers of any judge or registrar) shall be regulated as follows—15. Remuneration not to include stamps, auctioneer's charges, etc.
16. Scale charges—what they include
17. Scale charges—how calculated
In the calculation of scale charges the basis of the charge shall, unless otherwise provided in the Schedules to these Regulations, and irrespective of the number of titles involved or documents required to be prepared or approved, be the sum set forth in the deed or document as the price or consideration or, if no price or consideration is set forth, the value of the subject matter affected by the deed, which shall be deemed to be—18. Liberty of advocate to elect for Fifth Schedule
In all cases to which the scales prescribed in the First to Fourth Schedules to these Regulations apply, an advocate may, before or contemporaneously with rendering a bill of costs, by writing under his or her hand communicated to the client, elect that his or her remuneration shall be according to the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations, but if no such election shall be made, his or her remuneration shall be according to the appropriate scale prescribed in the First to Fourth Schedules to these Regulations.19. Business falling under more than one category
If the business handled by an advocate in the course of any one transaction falls under more than one of the categories prescribed in the First to Fourth Schedules to these Regulations, each item shall be charged for separately according to the remuneration prescribed in the Schedule within which it falls, and any part of the business not specially provided for by any of the First to Fourth Schedules shall be charged for under the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.20. Definitions and application of the First Schedule
21. Remuneration of vendor's advocate for conveyance on sale by auction
The remuneration of the vendor's advocate for perusing and completing a conveyance on a sale by auction shall be chargeable on each lot of property, except that where property held under the same title is divided into lots for the purposes of sale and the same purchaser buys and takes one conveyance of more than one lot, the remuneration shall be chargeable on each conveyance upon the aggregate prices of the lots contained in such or each conveyance.22. Charges where advocate is concerned for both mortgagor and mortgagee or vendor and purchaser
23. Where building society is mortgagee
24. Charges where conveyance and mortgage are prepared by one advocate
Where a conveyance and mortgage of the same property are completed at the same time and are prepared by the same advocate, he or she shall be entitled to charge only one-half of the scale fees for approving the mortgage deed.25. Charges where one document prepared and one approved by one advocate
Where a conveyance and mortgage of the same property are completed at the same time, an advocate who has prepared one document and approved the other shall be entitled to charge only one-half of the scale fees in respect of the document which he or she approved.26. Charges where mortgage in favour of vendor and one advocate acting for both parties
Where a conveyance and mortgage of the same property are completed at the same time and are prepared by the same advocate and the mortgagee is the vendor, the advocate shall be entitled to charge only one-half of the scale fee prescribed for approving the mortgage deed.27. Where property is sold subject to incumbrance
Where property is sold subject to incumbrances, the amount of the incumbrances shall be deemed part of the purchase money for the purpose of calculating the charges for the conveyance, except where the mortgagee is the purchaser, in which case the charge for the conveyance shall be calculated upon the price of the equity of redemption.28. Charges for approving draft on behalf of several parties having different interests
If an advocate approves a draft on behalf of several parties having distinct but not conflicting interests capable of separate representation, he or she shall be entitled to charge the scale fee under the First Schedule to these Regulations in respect of each of the several parties.29. Application of the Second Schedule
Regulations 30 to 35 of these Regulations shall govern the application of the Second Schedule to these Regulations.30. Abstract of title furnished by vendor
Where the vendor or lessor, at the request of the purchaser or lessee, furnishes an abstract of title, it shall be charged for according to the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.31. Lessee to pay lessor's costs
In the absence of any agreement as to costs, the costs of a lessor for the preparation, completion and registration of a lease and counterpart shall be payable by the lessee.32. Charges where advocate is concerned for both vendor and purchaser, etc.
Where an advocate is concerned for both vendor and purchaser or lessor and lessee, he or she shall be entitled to charge the vendor's or lessor' s advocate' s charges and on e-half of that of the purchaser's or lessee's advocate.33. Where mortgagor or mortgagee joins in a conveyance
Where a mortgagor or mortgagee joins in a conveyance or lease, the vendor's or lessor's advocate may charge four hundred shillings in addition.34. Where party other than vendor is represented by a separate advocate
Where a party, other than a vendor or lessor, joins in a conveyance or lease and is represented by a separate advocate, the charges of the separate advocate shall be calculated under the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.35. Where consideration for conveyance or lease consists partly of premium and partly of rent
Where a conveyance or lease is partly in consideration of a money payment or premium and partly of a rent, then, in addition to the remuneration hereby prescribed in respect of the rent, there shall be paid a further sum equal to the remuneration under the First Schedule to these Regulations on a purchase at a price equal to the money payment or premium.Part III – Contentious matters and taxation of costs
36. Application to contentious matters
This Part of these Regulations shall apply to contentious matters and the taxation of costs as between advocate and client and between party and party in contentious proceedings.37. Costs in High Court and magistrates courts according to Sixth Schedule
A bill of costs incurred in contentious proceedings in the High Court and in the magistrates courts shall, subject to any order pronounced by the court in regard to any particular case, be taxable according to the rates prescribed in the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations.38. Costs may be taxed as between party and party or as between advocate and client
The costs awarded by the court on any matter or application shall be taxed and paid as between party and party unless the court shall expressly order the costs awarded to be as between advocate and client.39. No advocate's costs where suit brought without notice
If the plaintiff in any action has not given the defendant notice of his or her intention to sue, and the defendant pays the amount claimed or found due at or before the first hearing, no advocate's costs shall be allowed except on an order of the judge or magistrate.40. Registrar to record consent order on payment of filing fee
41. Costs of more than one advocate to be certified by the judge
42. Costs where same advocate is employed by two or more plaintiffs or defendants
Where the same advocate is employed by two or more plaintiffs or defendants, and separate pleadings are delivered or other proceedings heard by or for two or more such plaintiffs or defendants separately, the taxing officer shall consider in the taxation of the advocate's bill of costs, either between party and party or between advocate and client, whether the separate pleadings or other proceedings were necessary and proper, and if he or she is of the opinion that any part of the costs occasioned by the separate pleadings or other proceedings has been unnecessarily or improperly incurred, that part of the costs shall be disallowed.43. Costs between party and party where joint executors or trustees defend separately
In taxing as between party and party the costs of joint executors or trustees who defend separately, the taxing officer shall, unless otherwise ordered by the court or judge, allow only one set of costs for the defendants when he or she is of the opinion that they ought to have joined in their defence, such costs to be apportioned among them as the taxing officer shall deem fit.44. Where party entitled to costs fails or refuses to tax
When any party entitled to costs refuses or neglects to file his or her bill of costs for taxation or to procure the bill of costs to be taxed and thereby prejudices any other party, the taxing officer shall be at liberty to certify the refusal or neglect and to proceed to the taxation of the costs of the other party or parties, or he or she may allow the party so refusing or neglecting a nominal sum or other sum for costs, so as to prevent any other party being prejudiced by the refusal or neglect.45. Taxation of costs upon an award
Costs may be taxed upon an award in an arbitration notwithstanding that the time for setting aside the award has not elapsed.46. Receiver in insolvency to have notice of taxation
In insolvency matters the registrar shall give to the receiver the usual notice of the appointment to tax any bill of costs of party and party relating to the insolvency, and the advocate or party lodging the bill shall, on application, furnish the receiver with a copy of the bill of costs on payment of the proper fee which payment may be charged to the estate.47. Manner of preparing bill for taxation
48. Filing bills for taxation
49. Bills not to be altered after being lodged
No addition or alteration shall be made in a bill of costs by the party submitting the bill of costs after the bill has been lodged for taxation, except by consent of the parties or by permission or direction of the court or taxing officer.50. Notice of taxation where defendant has not appeared
It shall not be necessary for notice of taxation of costs to be given to a defendant against whom the costs are being taxed in any case in which the defendant has not appeared in person or by advocate.51. Vouchers to be produced on taxation
Receipts or vouchers for all disbursements charged in a bill of costs (other than witness allowances and expenses supported by a statement signed by an advocate) shall be produced at taxation if required by the taxing officer.52. Number of folios on documents charged by the folio
53. Certificate of taxing officer on bills taxed under a special order of the court
When a bill of costs is taxed under any special order of the court, and it appears by the order that the costs are to be paid otherwise than out of the estate of an insolvent, minor, lunatic or deceased person, the taxing officer shall note in his or her certificate of taxation by whom or the manner in which the costs are to be paid.54. Taxing officer may proceed ex parte, etc.
The taxing officer shall have power to proceed to taxation ex parte in default of the appearance of either or both parties or their advocates, and to limit or extend the time for any proceedings before him or her, and for proper cause to adjourn the hearing of any taxation from time to time.55. Instructions to include attendance on deponent
The allowances for instructions and drawing an affidavit in answer to interrogatories and other special affidavits shall include all attendances on the deponent to settle and read over.56. Where more than one-sixth taxed off
57. Advocate entitled to charge client according to the Sixth Schedule
In all causes and matters in the High Court and magistrates courts, an advocate shall be entitled to charge as against his or her client the fees prescribed by the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations.History of this document
02 March 2018 this version
31 December 2000
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