Electricity Act (1964 Revision)
Chapter 144
- Published
- Commenced on 1 July 1961
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2000.]
- [Note: This legislation was revised and consolidated as at 31 December 2000 and 31 December 2023 by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
Part I – Interpretation
1. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—Part II – The Uganda Electricity Board
2. Reestablishment of the board
3. Constitution of the board, etc.
4. Meetings and procedure of the board
5. Board to be body corporate, etc.
6. Functions of the board
The functions of the board shall be—7. Revenue to exceed outgoings
8. General powers of the board
9. Acquisition of land
10. Consultative council
11. Powers of Minister
12. Tariffs and contracts
13. Funds and investment
14. Borrowing powers of the board
15. Accounts and annual report
16. Board’s rights in relation to the generation, etc. of electricity
Part III – Supply
17. Board’s duty to supply
18. Supply for public lamps, etc.
19. Supply for temporary purposes
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, where the board provides a consumer with a supply of electricity for purposes which are reasonably determined by the board to be temporary purposes, the consumer shall pay to the board the whole cost of providing and removing the electric lines necessary for the purposes of the supply.20. Supply for stand-by purposes, etc.
21. Maximum power
22. Use of transformers
23. Special fittings
24. Use of meters
25. Removal, etc. of meters
The board shall not remove, alter, adjust or readjust any meter in any premises unless—26. Correctness of meters
27. Testing of meters
The board shall—28. Special reading of meters
Where at the request of the consumer the board reads a meter at a time other than the time for the normal periodical reading of the meter, the board shall be entitled, in order to defray the cost to itself of the reading, to recover from the consumer such charges (not exceeding a maximum to be prescribed) as it thinks appropriate.29. Notice to be given to the board prior to removal
30. Payments in arrear
Where any person ceases to be a consumer in respect of any premises without paying the electricity charges, meter rent or other charges due by him or her, the board shall not be entitled to require from the next consumer in respect of the premises the payment of the arrears unless the new consumer has undertaken with the former consumer to pay or exonerate that consumer from the payment of the arrears or unless the former consumer is still resident on the premises.31. Security for payment
The board may, before or after it has given a supply of electricity to any premises, by notice in writing require the consumer within seven days after the date of the service of the notice to give to it sufficient security by cash deposit or otherwise for the payment of all monies which may become due to it in respect of the supply, if the consumer has not already given that security or if any security given has become invalid or insufficient.32. Discontinuance of supply
33. Failure to supply
34. Maps and plans
35. Entry on premises to ascertain quantity of electricity consumed, etc.
Subject to section 54, any duly authorised servant or agent of the board may at all reasonable times enter on any premises to which electricity is or has been supplied by the board—Part IV – Works
36. Wayleaves
37. Power to cut trees, enter on land, etc.
38. Moving of lines, etc.
39. Power to break up roads, etc.
40. Alteration of pipes, etc.
41. Works which affect other lawful works
42. Emergencies
Subject to sections 39 and 41, the servants or agents of the board may, in a case of emergency, enter on any land or enter any premises without giving notice to any person and by force if need be and there execute such emergency works as may be necessary in the circumstances.Part V – Inspection, testing, etc.
43. Electrical inspectors
44. Testing of board’s electrical plant
Where an electrical inspector tests any of the board’s electrical plant—45. Testing on consumer’s premises
46. Test instruments
47. Inspector’s power of entry, etc.
48. Board to give facilities for testing
The board shall afford all facilities for the proper execution of the provisions of this Act relating to inspection and testing and the readings and inspections of instruments and shall comply with all the requirements of this Act in that behalf; and in case the board makes default in complying with any of the provisions of this section, it is liable in respect of each default to a penalty not exceeding five hundred shillings, and to a penalty not exceeding fifty shillings for each day on which the default continues.49. Accidents
50. Defective plant, etc.
Part VI – Miscellaneous and supplemental
51. Offences and penalties
52. Board’s lines not subject to distress, etc.
53. Protection of certain persons from personal liability
No matter or thing done by the chairperson or any other member of the board, by an officer or servant of the board or by an officer of the Government (including a Minister) shall, if the matter or thing is done in good faith for the purpose of carrying out any of the provisions of this Act, render the chairperson or the member, servant or officer, or any person acting under and in accordance with his or her directions personally liable to any civil action, civil suit or other civil proceedings in respect of it.54. Restriction on right of entry to premises
55. Compensation, settlement of disputes, etc.
56. Recovery of debts and penalties
57. Service of documents
Without prejudice to any other method of service, any written notice or other document required or authorised to be given or served under this Act may be served by post or, if it relates to land or premises and it is not practicable after using due diligence to serve it on the person on whom it should be served, by delivering it to some person on the land or premises to which it relates or, if there is no person on the land or premises to whom it can be delivered, by affixing it, or a copy of it, to some conspicuous part of that land or premises.58. Regulations
59. Wayleaves, etc. not required to be registered
60. Effect on certain Acts
Nothing in this Act, apart from section 42, shall derogate from or prejudice the operation of—61. Repeal and savings
History of this document
31 December 2000 this version
01 July 1961