Game (Preservation and Control) Act

Chapter 198

Game (Preservation and Control) Act


Game (Preservation and Control) Act

Chapter 198

  • Published
  • Commenced on 1 September 1959
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2000.]
  • [Note: This legislation was revised and consolidated as at 31 December 2000 and 31 December 2023 by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
An Act to consolidate the law relating to the preservation and control of game, and to provide for matters incidental to and connected with such preservation and control.[Commissioners’ note: The Game (Preservation and Control) Act, except for its Schedules, was repealed by the Uganda Wildlife Statute, Statute 14/1996]

First Schedule (Section 5, Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

Animals not to be hunted or captured without a special permit

Part A – Animals not to be hunted or captured throughout Uganda except under special permit

2.Aardwolf—Proteles cristatus
3.Bat-eared fox
4.Bee-eaters—Meropidæ (all species)
5.Black rhinoceros—Diceros bicornis
6.Caracal or lynx
7.Cheetah—Acinonyx jubatus
8.Chimpanzee—Pan schweinfurthi
9.Colobus monkey—Colobus (all species)
10.Cranes—Balearicidæ (all species)
11.Crowned hawk eagle
12.Egrets—Cosmerodius albus melanorhynchusMesophoyx intermedius brachyrhynchusEgretta garzetta garzetta Bubulcus ibis
14.Fish eagle
15.Giant eland—Taurotragus derbianus gigas
16.Giraffe—Giraffa cameloparadalis (all subspecies)
17.Gorilla—Gorilla beringei
18.Greater kudu (Female)—Strepsiceros strepsiceros bea
19.Greater flamingo—Phœnicopterus ruber roseus
20.Ground hornbill—Bucorvus abyssinicus
21.Heron (all species)
22.Hornbills—Bucerotidæ (all species)
23.Hyrax (all species)
26.Lesser flamingo—Phœniconaias minor
27.Marabou stork—Leptoptilos crumeniferus
28.Martial eagle
29.Ostrich—Struthio camelus
30.Owl (all species)—Tytonidæ and Strigidœ
31.Pangolin—Manis (all species)
32.Parrots—Psittacidæ (all species)
34.Roan antelope (female) —Hippotragus equinus
35.Saddle-bill stork—Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
36.Secretary bird—Sagittarius serpentarius
37.Serval cat
38.Sun birds—Nectarinidæ (all species)
39.Turacos, plantain-eaters, louries—Musophagidæ (all species)
40.Vulture (all species)—Aegypiidæ
41.Whale-headed stork—Balaeniceps rex
42.White rhinoceros—Ceratotherium cottoni
43.Yellow-backed duiker—Cephalophus sylvicultrix

Part B – Animals not to be hunted or captured in the areas stated except under special permit

1.Greater bustard (All members of the genera Ardeotis and Neotis including all subspecies) (Karamoja district and Kingdom of Ankole)
2.Greater kudu—Strepsiceros strepsiceros bea (Acholi district)
3.Hippopotamus—Hippopotamus amphibius (Karamoja district)
4.Impala—Aepyceros melampus (Karamoja district)
5.Roan antelope—Hippotragus equinus (Area prior to 1st March, 1962, known as Masaka district)
6.Roan antelope—Hippotragus equinus (Madi district)
7.Sitatunga—Limnotragus spekie (Nkosi Island)
8.Uganda Kob—Adenota kob (Karamoja and Teso districts)

Part C – Animals not to be hunted or captured throughout Uganda except under special permit

If immature or female accompanied by young—
(a)all antelopes, which includes gazelles and dik-diks;
(b)black rhinoceros—Diceros bicornis;
(c)elephant—Loxodonta africanus;
(d)hippopotamus—Hippopotamus amphibius;

Second Schedule (Sections 5, 58, 59, Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

Animals which may be hunted under basic and supplementary licences, and fees for supplementary licences

First columnSecond columnThird columnFourth columnFifth column
EnglishSwahiliLugandaAcholiMaximum number which may be hunted under basic licenceMaximum number which may be hunted under supplementary licenceFee for supplementary licence per animalLimitations on supplementary licences
Resident shs.Visitor shs.
BuffaloNyatiEmbogoJobi24100300Maximum one only in Karamoja.
Dik-DikSuguyaEnsa221050Maximum one only in Acholi and Toro.
Duiker (all sps)NsyaEmpeewoLacek322050
Grant’s GazelleSwala GrantiLagwete1250150None in Karamoja
Giant Forest HogNguruwe MkubwaEnsenge250200
HippopotamusKibokoEnvubuRaa2100300None in Karamoja
ImpalaSwala PalaEmpala1100200
KlipspringerMbuzi MaweOkwedo15050 
Kudu, GreaterTandala MkubwaWul1300750None in Acholi
Kudu, LesserTandala MdogoNyamugata1200750
Reedbuck, BohorToheEnjazaAburgot1250100 
Reedbuck, Chandler’s      100 
Reedbuck, MountainTohe ya MalimaniEtopire1100100 
RoanKorongoBure1300750None in Karamoja or Ankole
TopiNyemeraEnyemeraTengo1250150None in Buganda.
Uganda KobEnsunuTil1250150 
Any of the birds mentioned in the Third ScheduleUnlimitedUnlimitedNilNilGreater Bustard protected in Karamoja and Ankole

Third Schedule (Sections 5, 61, Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

Birds which may be hunted by the holder of a bird licence

Number unlimited
AnatidaeDuck (all species)Teal (all species)Geese (all species)Except during the close season, 1st April to 30th September in every year.
TurnicidaeButton quails (all species)
PhasianidaeFrancolins—Francolinus (all species)‡‡Bare-throated francolins—Pternistis (all species) Quails—Coturnix (all species) Stone partridge—Ptilopachus petrosus emini Guineafowls—Numida (all species), except in Teso, Bukedi, Bugisu and Busoga during the close season—1st April to 30th September in every year Forest guineafowl—Guttera edouardi sethsmithi Vulturine guineafowl—Acryllium vulturinum
OtididaeBustards, except greater bustards in Karamoja and Ankole
ScolopacidaeSnipe (all species)
PteroclididaeSandgrouse— Pterocles and Eremialector (all species)
Sometimes erroneously known as partridges or pheasants.‡‡Usually erroneously known as spurfowl.

Fourth Schedule (Sections 38 and 39, Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

Game reserves

1.Toro Game Reserve—The area comprised within the following boundaries—Commencing at the mouth of the Musisi river; thence following the east bank of that river in a southerly direction to its intersection with that top of the Lake Albert escarpment; thence following the top of that escarpment in a southwesterly direction to the point where it is crossed by the old telegraph line from Fort Portal to the Semliki river; thence following that telegraph line in a northerly direction to the point where it crosses the Nyaburogo river; thence following the west bank of that river in a northerly direction to a cairn situated on the river at a point 0º 54' N; thence in a straight line in a northerly direction to a cairn situated one half of a mile due south of the survey point known as Makoga; thence in a northeasterly direction in a straight line to a point on the shore of Lake Albert one mile to the north of the mouth of the Wasa river; thence along the shoreline of Lake Albert eastwards to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Musisi river.
2.Kigezi Game Reserve—The area comprised within the following boundaries—Commencing at the point where the foot of the Kichwamba escarpment meets the Rwempunu river; thence following the Queen Elizabeth National Park boundary in a northwesterly then southwesterly direction to the point where it meets the Uganda/Congo international boundary which at this point is the Ishasha river; thence following that river in a southerly direction for approximately one half of a mile to a point marked by a cairn; thence following a line marked by cairns in an easterly then northerly direction as follows—
Ishasha RiverNo. 2 Cairn96º 30'299'
No. 2 CairnNo. 3 Cairn76º1,146'
No. 3 CairnNo. 4 Cairn73º 30'2,230'
No. 4 CairnNo. 5 Cairn74º2,473'
No. 5 CairnNo. 6 Cairn75º540'
No. 6 CairnNo. 7 Cairn76º 30'273'
No. 7 CairnNo. 8 Cairn73º 30'1,974'
No. 8 CairnNo. 9 Cairn74º1,982'
No. 9 CairnNo. 10 Cairn74º 30'420'
No. 10 CairnNo. 11 Cairn30º4,537'
No. 11 CairnNo. 12 Cairn30º 30'308'
No. 12 CairnNo. 13 Cairn22º2,764'
No. 13 CairnNo. 14 Cairn36º 30'2,127'
No. 14 CairnNo. 15 Cairn32º1,065'
No. 15 CairnNo. 16 Cairn15º 30'901'
No. 16 CairnNo. 17 Cairn14º1,154'
No. 17 CairnNo. 18 Cairn14º 30'796'
No. 18 CairnNo. 19 Cairn15º504'
No. 19 CairnNo. 20 Cairn14º993'
No. 20 CairnKazinga River42º1,126'
thence following the east bank of the Kazinga river in a northerly direction to its confluence with the Ntungu river; thence following the west bank of that river in a southerly direction to its junction with the Rushaya river; thence following the south bank of that river in an easterly direction to the point where it meets the foot of the Kichwamba escarpment; thence following the foot of that escarpment in a northerly direction to the point of commencement.
3.Katonga Game Reserve—The area comprised within the following boundaries—Commencing at a point where the Kaisunga river (Dwamanyanja) joins the Katonga river; thence in a northeasterly direction following the eastern bank of Kaisunga river to its confluence with the Nyandagura river; thence in a northeasterly direction to the highest point of Kabuya Hill; thence in an easterly direction to Kitemba Hill; thence to the peak of Zina Hill; thence following the western side of Mparo/Kabogole road (track) to the Katonga river; thence following the northern bank of Katonga river to the point of commencement.
4.Gorilla Game Reserve
5.Karuma Game Reserve
6.Matheniko Game Reserve
7.Pian-upe Game Reserve
8.Queen Elizabeth National Park—Kibale Forest Corridor Game Reserve
9.Bokora Corridor Game Reserve
10.Lake Mburo Game Reserve
[Commissioners’ note: The boundaries of the game reserves listed in numbers 4 to 10 are defined in statutory instruments for this Chapter.]

Fifth Schedule (Section 47, Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

Fees for licences

1. A visitors basic licence2,000
2. A residents basic licence1,000
3. A bird licence500
4. A professional hunters licence2,000
5. A professional trappers licence2,000

Sixth Schedule (Sections 2, 16; Cap. 226, 1964 Revision)

African animals not occurring in Uganda, or of which only local species and subspecies are protected, which animals and the trophies thereof are protected by international convention

1.Gorilla—Gorilla gorilla (all subspecies)
2.All Madagascar lemurs—Chiromyidæ, Lemuridæ and Indrisidæ
3.Fossa—Fossa (all subspecies)
4.Giant sable antelope—Hippotragus niger variani
5.Nyala—Tragelaphus angasi
6.Mountain nyala or Buxton’s bushbuck—Tragelaphus buxtoni
7.Okapi—Okapia johnstoni
8.Barbary stag—Servus elaphus barbarus
9.Pygmy hippopotamus—Chœropsis liberiensis
10.Mountain zebra—hippotigris zebra (all subspecies)
11.Wild ass—Asinus asinus (all subspecies)
12.White rhinoceros—Rhinoceros (or Ceratotherium) simus (all subspecies)
13.Northern hartebeest or bubal—Bubalis buselaphus
14.Abyssinian ibex or wali—Capra walie
15.Water chevrotain—Hyemoschus aquaticus
16.Baldheaded ibis or waldrapp—Comatibis eremita
17.White-breasted guineafowl—Agelastes meleasgrides
18.Chimpanzee—Anthropopithecus (all subspecies)
19.Giant eland or Lord Derby’s eland—Taurotragus derbianus (all subspecies)
20.Giraffe—Giraffa (all subspecies)
21.White-tailed gnu—Connochœtes gnou
22.Jentink’s duiker—Cephalophus jentinki
23.Beira—Dorcotragus megalotis
24.Dibatag or Clarke’s gazelle—Ammodorcas clarkei
25.Bontebok—Damaliscus pygargus
26.Black rhinoceros—Rhinoceros (or Diceros) bicornis
27.Wild ostrich—Struthio (all African subspecies)
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History of this document

31 December 2000 this version
01 September 1959

Cited documents 1

Act 1
1. Land Acquisition Act 4 citations

Documents citing this one 0