This Decree was repealed on 2009-02-18 by Atomic Energy Act, 2008.
Atomic Energy Act
Related documents
- Is repealed by Atomic Energy Act, 2008
Atomic Energy Act
Chapter 143
- Published
- Commenced on 29 December 1973
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2000.]
- [Note: This legislation was revised and consolidated as at 31 December 2000 and 31 December 2023 by the Law Reform Commission of Uganda. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for ULII.]
- [Repealed by Atomic Energy Act, 2008 (Act 24 of 2008) on 18 February 2009]
1. Interpretation
Atomic Energy Control Board
2. Establishment and membership of the board
3. Meetings of the board
4. Agenda
5. Minutes of the board meetings to be kept
The secretary shall cause details of all business transacted at any meeting of the board to be entered regularly in a minute book kept for that purpose; and the minutes of the proceedings of each meeting shall be submitted to the board for confirmation at a subsequent meeting of the board and, if passed as correct, shall be confirmed by the signature of the chairperson and when so confirmed shall be prima facie evidence in all courts as an accurate record of the proceedings as recorded.6. Chairperson may act for the board in certain cases
The chairperson may, in consultation with the advocate and the chief radiation safety officer, act for and in lieu of the board in any matter of urgency, but any such action shall be referred to the board at its next meeting for its information and approval.7. Recommendations to be made by the board to the Minister
Subject to this Act, the board shall make recommendations to the Minister on all matters concerning—Establishment and functions of Radioisotope Advisory Committee
8. Radioisotope Advisory Committee
9. Meetings of the committee
10. Functions of the committee
Officers of the board
11. Appointment of officers of the board
12. Powers of chief radiation safety officer, etc.
Licences to use radioactive material, etc.
13. Licence to use radioactive material, etc.
14. Responsibility of the licence holder
15. Radiation Protection Service
Miscellaneous provisions
16. Offences and penalties
17. Evidence
18. Regulations
The Minister may, on the advice of the board, make regulations—19. Exemption
The Minister may, on the recommendation and advice of the board, which may set higher limits for exemption in the case of material known to contain only the less dangerous radionuclides, by statutory order, exempt any material which contains radioactivity of less than the specified limits from the provisions of this Act.History of this document
18 February 2009
Repealed by
Atomic Energy Act, 2008
31 December 2000 this version
29 December 1973