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- Repeals Sugar (Control) Act
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Sugar Act, 2020
Act 13 of 2020
- Published in Uganda Gazette 50 on 28 August 2020
- Assented to on 23 April 2020
- Commenced on 28 August 2020
- [This is the version of this document from 28 August 2020.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Commencement
The Act shall come into force upon the date of its publication in the Gazette.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the Uganda Sugar Board established under section 3;"by-product of sugar" means any substance, other than sugar, produced during the process of manufacturing sugar;"currency point" has the value assigned to it in Schedule 1;"grower" means a person who has a sugarcane farm and has no contract with any miller to supply sugarcane;"industry" means the sugar industry in Uganda and includes the growing of sugarcane and any other sugar producing crop, the manufacturing, refining, marketing and disposal of sugar and the by-products of sugar;"jaggery mill" means rudimentary or bare minimum technology equipment used to crush sugarcane to produce sugarcane juice which is processed through boiling to produce jaggery;"mill" means a sugar mill or jaggery mill;"miller" means a person licensed to operate a sugar mill or a jaggery mill;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for trade;"outgrower" means a person who has a sugar cane farm and has a contract to supply the sugar cane grown on the farm;"outgrower association" means an association registered under any written law as an outgrower association;"plant" means plant to process the by-products of sugarcane;"relevant organisation" means an association or a cooperative society of millers or out growers recognized under the law;"sugar" means crystalline or liquid sucrose in any of its recognised commercial forms, intended for human consumption or other uses;"sugar cane" means any plant or part of a plant of the genus Saccharum or a hybrid of sugar-cane;Part II – Uganda Sugar Board
3. Establishment of the Uganda Sugar Board
4. Composition of the Board
5. Tenure of office of members of the Board
6. Remuneration of members of the Board
The chairperson and the members of the Board shall be paid such remuneration as may be specified in their instruments of appointment.Functions of the Board
7. Functions of the Board
8. Cooperation with other agencies
9. Powers of the Board
In carrying out the functions specified under this Act, the Board may—10. Powers of the Minister
The Minister may give directions in writing to the Board with respect to the policy to be observed and implemented by the Board and the Board shall comply with those directions.11. Meetings of the Board and related matters
Schedule 2 has effect in relation to meetings of the Board and other matters provided for in that Schedule.12. Committees of the Board
13. Delegation of functions of the Board
Part III – Staff of the Board
14. Executive director
15. Functions of the executive director
16. Staff of the Board
Part IV – Finances
17. Funds of the Board
The funds of the Board shall consist of money appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Board;18. Duty to operate in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act and sound financial principles
In the performance of its functions under this Act, the Board shall have due regard to the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 and to sound financial principles.Part V – Licensing of mills
19. Licensing of mills
20. Application for a licence to operate mill or plant
21. Processing, grant or refusal of licence
22. Modification of mill or plant
Part VI – Sugar industry agreements
23. Sugar industry agreements
Part VII – Sugar cane pricing
24. Sugar cane pricing
Part VIII – National sugar research institute
25. Establishment of a national sugar research institute
Part IX – General
26. Quality, safety and health standards of sugar
The Board shall, in collaboration with the relevant bodies, ensure that all sugar produced locally or imported into Uganda complies with—27. Safeguard measures
Subject to regional and international trade agreements to which Uganda is a party, the Government may introduce safeguard measures as may be necessary to protect the industry from unfair trade practices.28. Amendment of Schedules
The Minister may, in consultation with the Board, and approval of Cabinet, by statutory instrument, amend the Schedules to the Act.29. Regulations
30. Repeal of certain enactments
The Sugar Cess Act, Cap. 343 and the Sugar (Control) Act, Cap. 34 are repealed.31. Transitional provisions
History of this document
28 August 2020 this version
23 April 2020
Assented to