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- Is commenced by Anti-Pornography Act (Commencement) Instrument, 2014
- Amends Penal Code Act
Anti-Pornography Act, 2014
Act 1 of 2014
- Published in Uganda Gazette 10 on 17 February 2014
- Assented to on 6 February 2014
- Commenced on 9 May 2014 by Anti-Pornography Act (Commencement) Instrument, 2014
- [This is the version of this document from 17 February 2014.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Commencement
This Act shall come into force on a date appointed by the Minister by statutory instrument.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—“authorised person” means a member of the Pornography Control Committee or a police officer;“broadcast” means to put out information or make information available to the public or a person through any electronic medium;“child” means a person below the age of eighteen years;“Committee” means the Pornography Control Committee established by section 3;“currency point” has the value assigned to it in Schedule 1;“internet-content-developer” means a person, individual or corporate, who produces and uploads or causes to be uploaded on the internet, any matter;“Internet Service Provider (ISP)” means a person with primary access to the internet, who extends internet access to other secondary users;“Minister” means the Minister responsible for ethics;“pornography” means any representation through publication, exhibition, cinematography, indecent show, information technology or by whatever means, of a person engaged in real or stimulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a person for primarily sexual excitement;“procure” means to purchase or obtain or import or being found in possession or custody of, or being found viewing in a premise, any matter prohibited by this Act, except when authorised in writing by the Committee for appropriate anti-pornography purposes such as education and sensitisation by personnel approved by the Committee;“publish” means to put out written information or make available written information to the public or any person through any print medium;“traffic” means to deal in or cause or permit or aid the provision or circulation of pornographic matter by way of trade or publishing or entertainment or programming or unrestricted internet access or any other means or purpose.Part II – Pornography Control Committee
3. Pornography Control Committee
4. Qualifications of Committee members
A member of the Committee shall be a person—5. Tenure of office of members of Committee
A member of the Committee shall hold office for five years and is eligible for reappointment for one more term.6. Disqualification and removal of a member of Committee
7. Functions of Committee
8. Procedure at meetings of Committee
Schedule 2 shall have effect in respect of the procedure at meetings of the Committee.9. Co-option of persons
The Committee may co-opt any person who is not a member to attend any of its meetings as an adviser and that person may speak at the meeting on any matter in relation to which his or her advice is sought, but shall not have the right to vote on any matter coming for decision before the meeting.10. Remuneration of members of Committee
Members of the Committee shall be paid allowances determined by the Ministry responsible for Public Service.11. Powers and duties of the Committee
The Committee may, in the performance of its duties under this Act or any regulations made under this Act, at all reasonable times and without warrant—12. Secretariat
Part III – Prohibition of pornography
13. Prohibition of pornography
14. Child pornography
15. Court to issue warrant
16. Authorities to issue directives to offenders
17. Internet Service Providers (ISP)
18. Leisure or entertainment
19. Offences by body corporate
Where an offence under this Act is committed by a body corporate—20. Forfeiture and destruction of pornography
Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court shall order the forfeiture to the state and the destruction of all materials and objects used in the commission of the offence.Part IV – Finances
21. Funds of Committee
22. Annual report
The Committee shall make an annual report to the Minister on the performance of its functions within six months after the end of each financial year.23. Minister to lay annual report before Parliament
The Minister shall as soon as possible lay before Parliament the annual report of the Committee on its functions submitted to him or her under section 22 with any comments on it as he or she may consider necessary.Part V – Miscellaneous
24. Register of Pornography Offenders
25. Archives
The Committee shall maintain an archive of all relevant administrative records and other documents associated with the carrying out of its functions.26. Power of Minister to amend Schedules
The Minister may, by statutory instrument, with the approval of the Cabinet amend Schedules 1 and 2.27. Regulations
28. Repeal of section 166 of the Penal Code Act, Cap. 120.
Section 166 of the Penal Code Act, Cap. 120, relating to traffic in obscene publications is repealed.History of this document
09 May 2014
Commenced by
Anti-Pornography Act (Commencement) Instrument, 2014
17 February 2014 this version
06 February 2014
Assented to