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- Is commenced by Building Control Act, 2013 (Commencement) Instrument, 2018
Building Control Act, 2013
Act 10 of 2013
- Published in Uganda Gazette 51 on 11 October 2013
- Assented to on 2 October 2013
- Commenced on 2 April 2018 by Building Control Act, 2013 (Commencement) Instrument, 2018
- [This is the version of this document from 11 October 2013.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Commencement
This Act shall come into force on a date appointed by the Minister, by statutory instrument.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"access" means the possibility for any person to reach a place, maneuver within it, use a service, participate in activities provided in a public place; with dignity, independence and safety on an equal basis with others;"accessibility standards" refers to a practical guide to create a barrier-free physical environment in Uganda for all persons including persons with disabilities;"application" means an application for a building permit made under section 35;"architect" means a professional architect registered under the Architects Registration Act, and who is a member of the Uganda Society of Architects;"authorised agent" means a person authorised by a Building Committee to act on its behalf;"Board" means the National Building Review Board established by section 3;"building" means—(a)any structure, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, and, irrespective of the materials used in its erection, erected or used for or in connection with—(i)the accommodation or convenience of human beings or animals;(ii)the manufacture, processing, storage or sale of any goods;(iii)the rendering of any service;(iv)the destruction or treatment of refuse or other waste material; or(v)the cultivation or growing of any plant or crop;(b)a swimming pool, dam, bridge, tower or other structure connected with it;(c)a fuel pump or tank used in connection with a pump;(d)an electrical installation or other installation connected with it;(e)a gas supply installation or other installation connected with it;(f)any other part of a building or of an installation connected to the building;"Building Committee" means a committee established under section 28;"Building Control Officer" means a person appointed by the District Service Commission under section 32, and includes an assistant building control officer and an authorised agent;"building operation" means any act done in relation to—(a)the erection of a building;(b)the demolition of a building;(c)any temporary work on a permanent building;(d)plumbing;(e)drainage;(f)repairs, renovations, alterations and extensions of a building;(g)erosion control works; or(h)the installation of utilities, including electricity and gas;"building plan" means architectural or engineering drawings required by a Building Committee in respect of a building operation;"Chairperson" means the Chairperson of the Board appointed by the Minister under section 4(3);"Code" means the National Building Code made under section 46;"currency point" means the value assigned to it in Schedule 1;"demolish" means any act relating to the removal of a building or any part of a building;"earthwork" means—(a)an excavation below natural ground level;(b)a fill above natural ground level; or(c)a support that is required to maintain the sides of an excavation or a fill;"engineer" means an engineer registered under the Engineers Registration Act;"erection" in relation to a building, means its—(a)construction;(b)alteration;(c)restoration;(d)conservation;(e)extension;(f)re-building;(g)repair; or(h)subdivision."Executive Secretary" means the Executive Secretary appointed by the Board under section 15;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for building works;"minor building works"—(a)means a building operation of—(i)a single storey dwelling constructed of temporary, semi-permanent or permanent materials such as mud and wattle, mud bricks, burnt bricks, concrete blocks or timber boards, and not more than thirty square metres in floor area;(ii)a unit for poultry or livestock constructed of temporary semi-permanent or permanent material, not exceeding thirty square metres in floor area;(iii)a tool shed, external kitchen or store, not exceeding thirty square metres in floor area;(iv)a commercial structure such as a food kiosk, carpentry shed or blacksmith’s shed, constructed in temporary, semi-permanent or permanent materials, and not more than thirty square metres in floor area, whether as a free standing structure or as an addition to an existing building;(b)does not include additions or alterations to existing buildings relating to changes in plan or structure of the building such as painting, redecoration, replacing window or door shutters, floor finishes, wall fittings or damaged roof covering;"physical planner" means a physical planner possessing the relevant qualifications from a recognised institute;"regulations" means regulations made under section 52;"standard" means any standard relating to—(a)quality of goods and materials;(b)methods of design;(c)specifications;(d)workmanship; or(e)any other matter relevant to buildings as specified by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards established under the Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act;"surveyor" means a surveyor registered under the Surveyor’s Registration Act.Part II – National Building Review Board
3. Establishment of the Board
4. Composition of the Board
5. Disqualification from appointment as member
A person shall not be appointed to the Board who is an undischarged bankrupt or who has made any assignment or arrangement with his or her creditors.6. Tenure of office of Board members
7. Remuneration of Board members
The Chairperson and other members of the Board shall be paid such remuneration as the Minister may determine in consultation with the Minister responsible for finance and Minister responsible for public service.8. Filling of vacancies of the Board
9. Functions of the Board
The functions of the Board are—10. Official seal of the Board
11. Board’s power to co-opt persons
12. Meetings of the Board
Schedule 2 has effect with respect to the meetings and procedure of the Board and other matters provided for in that Schedule.13. Committees of the Board
Part III – Secretariat and staff of the Board
14. Secretariat
The Board shall have a Secretariat consisting of an Executive Secretary and other staff.15. Executive Secretary
16. Functions of Executive Secretary
17. Other officers and staff of the Board
18. Experts and consultants
19. Protection of members and employees
A member or an employee of the Board, or a person acting on the directions of the Board is not personally liable for any act or omission done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise of the functions of the Board.Part IV – Finances
20. Funds of the Board
21. Power to open and operate bank accounts
22. Estimates
23. Financial year of the Board
The financial year of the Board is the period of twelve months beginning on the 1st July in each year and ending on the 30th June in the next calendar year.24. Accounts
25. Audit
26. Investment of surplus funds
Any funds of the Board not immediately required for any purpose under this Act may be invested in a manner, which the Board may, after consultation with the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance, determine.27. Annual report
The Board shall, within three months after the end of each financial year, submit to the Minister an annual report on the activities of the Board.Part V – Building Committees
28. Establishment of Building Committees
29. Functions of Building Committees
30. Building Committee's power to co-opt persons
31. Meetings of Building Committees
Schedule 3 has effect with respect to the meetings and procedure of Building Committees and other matters provided for in that Schedule.32. Building Control Officer
The District Service Commission shall, for each District Council and for each Urban Authority, appoint—33. Functions of Building Control Officer
The functions of a Building Control Officer are —Part VI – Control of building operations
34. Building operations without permit prohibited
35. Application for building permit
36. Procedure for issuing building permit
37. Appeals from decisions of Building Committee
38. Building operation subject to time limit
39. Permits for minor building works
40. Order to stop building operation
41. Remedial action on defective building
42. Prohibition of building methods and materials
43. Right of entry by Building Control Officer
44. Occupation permit
45. Liability for causing accidents on building construction site
Part VII – Miscellaneous
46. National Building Code
47. Reports
48. Power of Minister to give directions
The Minister may give directions of a policy nature in writing to the Board and the Board shall comply with the Minister’s directions.49. Delegation of Minister’s powers
The Minister may, in writing, delegate to the Chairperson of the Board any power conferred upon the Minister by or under this Act, other than the powers referred to in sections 42, 46, 52 and 53 and upon such conditions as the Minister may specify.50. Employees of former building authorities
A person who, immediately before the coming into force of this Act, is employed by a building control authority or other related body, to exercise any or all of the functions of a Building Control Officer under this Act, shall continue to exercise those functions until Building Control Officers are appointed under this Act.51. Service of notices
Where, in this Act, there is reference to the service of any notice, that notice shall be served by post or delivered by hand to the addressee or his or her agent, as the case may be, or to the person in charge of a building operation, at the site.52. Regulations
53. Amendment of Schedules
54. Transition
55. Effect on existing law
History of this document
02 April 2018
11 October 2013 this version
02 October 2013
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 6
Gazette 6
Subsidiary legislation
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National Building (Standards for Mechanical Installations in Buildings) Code, 2019 | Statutory Instrument 60 of 2019 | 16 August 2019 |